Obesity has been in the rise in the recent years. It refers to a medicinal situation where an individual amasses the fats in the body. Obesity can be too adverse to the extent of causing a health issue to the affected. Obesity is known to have resulted to too many other diseases caused by the weight gain. Some of the common diseases associated with obesity are; diabetes and heart diseases (Shannon, M., 2009). The obese persons happen to consume more energy intake than what their body can accommodate resulting to fat retention in the body. The causes of obesity can be attribute to genetic inheritance, intake of so much of unhealthy foods especially the junk food, lack of bodily workout and some medications. However, obesity can be controlled by; eating healthy foods that are less processed, engaging in physical activities.
Obesity has adverse effects especially in the middle school children. The effects are; increase in the mortality rate. The life expectancy in the middle school children has been reduced due to the many diseases it brings about. The diseases predispose the obese people prone to more diseases thereby, shortening their life expectancy. The diseases subject the individuals to health issue that leave them more vulnerable to attack of other diseases. When the obese children obese children fall ill frequently, there is the possibility of missing school, while drop out permanently out of school. They also weaken the ability of the body in the production of antigens and white blood cells that help the body in fighting the diseases. Researches have been conducted to prove the point that obesity causes reduction of life expectancy by six to seven years on mediocre.
There occurs a lot of ridicule to the obese student since; they can never be able to engage in the physical activities in the school. As a result, they feel intimidated by their fellow students, and this affects also their performance (Mertens, S., & Anfara, V., 2007). They affected students shy away from holding discussions with the rest of the students; thereby end up not gaining the fun part of the school. Performance is affected because; the students do not engage in regular discussions that can help them up their grades in school, therefore, will always be lagging behind.
There is also development of low self-esteem among the students due to the stigma instilled in them. The obese students fear being in the company of the rest of the students, and, therefore, they fail to enjoy their childhood moments. It is widely said that ‘work without playing makes Jack a dull boy’. It simply implies that co-curricular activities are essential in the students’ performance as they never engage in such activities due to fatigue (Moreno, A., Pigeot, I., & Ahrens, W., 2011). Therefore, there is development of a negative attitude towards school, leaving them susceptible to poor grades. It adds to the poor grades in the schools as most of the times the obese students are ever teased by others in the learning institutions.
Obesity has a tendency to increase the risk of many bodily and psychological problems. Some of the health challenges faced by these people can be reduced by avoiding obesity at all costs. Weight gain is very easy but losing it becomes the problem. The risks faced by many young adults reduce their productivity level in schools since; most of the energy is diverted to the health issues rather than the books. They become vulnerable to poor performance in both schools and, at homes.
They also develop an element of solitude, uneasiness and a negative self-image. All these combined can result stress and, eventually depression. Stress can lead to some to having attempted murder if not controlled early enough. The obese students divert their attention to their personal problems rather than concentrating on what is being taught in the class (Bagchi, D., 2011). The parents, therefore, have a vital role to play in encouraging children with such cases. When the matter gets out of hand, the parents can opt to take their children to a psychiatrist for counselling. Loneliness dictates a lot evil things hence, must be avoided in most people.
The causes of obesity are numerous as discussed below. The main cause of obesity is the diet. Poor diet has resulted to obesity problems. Many people opt to go for the high processes foods. Many students have more energy intake than what the bodies require. As a result, the excess energy is stored and accumulated in form of fats in the bodies. Many young adults prefer to take the sweetened food products that contribute greatly contribute to the risk of obesity (Shannon, M., 2009). It has been attributed to the reason as to the processed food do not consume a lot of time to prepare thus highly preferred since; they save a lot time and energy. The foods availed to the students in the school cafeterias are also highly processed and sweetened. The processed foods are often sold at cheaper prices as compared to the healthy foods. However, nutritional experts started availing the nutritional advice to the people so that they can know what to consume in large quantities and what to completely avoid.
Some genetics in the family also result to obesity. There are some families who have the genes of obesity. It is said that, some genes are unable to regulate the appetite level in the individuals thereby; leaving them with the excess appetite that is not needed. It, consequently, becomes difficult to control this kind of obesity since it is inborn. Lack of physical activities can result to obesity particularly, where an individual has a high level of energy intake. Physical exercises reduce the excessive fats stored in our bodies since they increase the metabolic processes that help in breaking down the fats for easy absorption (Kiess, W., 2004). Nowadays, many children disregard the physical activities in schools since; the physical education in moist schools does not exist. There is little or no emphasis on the physical activities in the schools.
Lack of sleep in the students also leads to obesity due to the hormonal imbalances. Many are the times that the students are forced to sleep late especially those in the boarding schools. The students sleep late, and at the same time wake up early. They have very little time to sleep. The ones that do not board are sent home with a lot of assignments that keep them awake late at night, and expected to be in school very early in the morning the following day (Moreno, A., Pigeot, I., & Ahrens, W., 2011). Lack of sleep triggers the body to produce some hormones. The hormones trigger hunger thereby; the students end up consuming more foods that lead to weight gain.
Some inactive behaviors have led to obesity increase in many children. The advancement in technology has contributed greatly to the causes of obesity. Many young people have replaced the physical activities with computer games. The students decide to sit down, and enjoy watching the television movies that feel their heads with many things. It renders the children inactive in a way that they cannot be able to perform a simple manual task. There are movements, thus their bodies become stiff hence, move with a lot of difficulties due to the technology addiction.
There some ecological factors and surroundings those lead to obesity. Some of the schools might be too small to accommodate a playground in the school. As a result, the students are left with no space to engage in physical activities. There are those students who cannot be able to raise the money charged in schools to engage in sporting activities in schools (Bagchi, D., 2011). The affected students are deprived the chance to become sporty. The weather conditions become adverse in some regions force the students to remain indoors and, therefore, cannot plat the physical games.
Nevertheless, the obese students should not be stigmatized by the rest of the students since; it has negative effects on both their health and physical well-being. The parents are encouraged to avoid buying the junk foods to their children. Laziness should be avoided in all means because; it leads to non-participation of the children in the games. It must be noted that obesity can be controlled by consuming a balanced diet (James, L., & Linton, J., 2009). Both the teachers and the parents have the responsibility of educating the young ones on the effects of obesity. The students must also be encouraged to refrain from the highly processed foods. Disciplinary measures play a great role in controlling the obesity rate among the students by discouraging a lot of television watching.
Shannon, M. E. (2009). School-based childhood obesity prevention targeting middle schools: A
grant proposal.
Moreno, A. L., Pigeot, I., & Ahrens, W. (2011). Epidemiology of obesity in children and
adolescents: Prevalence and etiology. New York: Springer.
Mertens, S. B., & Anfara, V. A. (2007). The young adolescent and the middle school. Charlotte,
North Carolina: IAP.
Bagchi, D. (2011). Global perspectives on childhood obesity: Current status, consequences and
prevention. London: Academic.
Kiess, W. (2004). Obesity in childhood and adolescence: 24 tables. Basel [u.a.: Karger.
James, L. C., & Linton, J. C. (2009). Handbook of obesity intervention for the lifespan. New
York, NY: Springer.