Analyze the data in SPSS by Multivariate
In this study, the data was obtained in a survey. From the analysis of variance the significant value is 0.007 which is less than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there Change in the social environment is positively related to the weakening of the original Muslim identity for children who are new immigrants in the San Antonio society. The multiple analysis variance and the multivariate regression helps use to find if the predictor variables are related to the dependent variables. In this study, we decide to investigate if the predictor variables; Teach an Islamic religion by parents, Eat pork at home, Eat pork with non-Muslim friends, Parents teach children to eat with their right hand., Follow Islamic teachings, Pass Islamic historical events, Encourage their children to visit their relatives, Send their children to the Islamic school, Have an Islamic or Arabic TV channels at home, Islamic celebrations, Responsibility to the local mosque are positively related to the dependent variable (identity). In this study, we intend to investigate the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable through the multiple regression analyses.
The hypothesis statements
The null hypothesis, Change in the social environment is positively related to the weakening of the original Muslim identity for children who are new immigrants in the San Antonio society.
The alternative hypothesis
The alternative hypothesis Change in the social environment is not positively related to the weakening of the original Muslim identity for children who are new immigrants in the San Antonio society.
Analysis and conclusion
The study will used the multivariate analysis of variance and multivariate regression to determine if the hypothesis that Change in the social environment is positively related to the weakening of the original Muslim identity for children who are new immigrants in the San Antonio society as accepted. The variable Teach the Islamic religion by parents has significant value is 0.847 which is greater than the 0.05 confidence level. This implies that the teaching of Islamic religion is positively significant with the identity. The variable Eat pork at home has a significant value of 0.820 which is larger than the 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is positive relationship between eat pork at home and weakening of the Muslim identity. The variables Eat pork with non-Muslim friends has a significant 0.705 which is larger than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that the variable eat pork with non-Muslim is positively related with the Muslim identity. The variable Parents teach children to eat with their right hand has a significant value of 0.665 which is larger than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is a positive relationship between the variable parent teach children to eat with their right hand and the identity has a positive relationship. The variable Follow Islamic teaching has a significant value of 0.506 which is greater than the 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is a positive relationship between the parent teaching children eat with right hand and the Muslim identity. The variable Past Islamic historical events has a significant value of 0.572 which is larger than 0.05 level of confidence . This implies that there is a positive relationship between past Islamic historical events. The variable Encourage their children to visit their relatives has a significant value of 0.238 which is larger than the 0.05 level of confidence which is larger than the 0.05 level of confidence . this implies that there is a positive relationship between the variable encourage their children to visit their relatives and the muslin identity. The variable Send their children to the Islamic school has a significant value of 0.394 which is greater than 0.05 level of confidence . this implies that there is appositive relationship between send the children in the Muslim school and the Muslim identity. The variable Have an Islamic or Arabic TV channels at home has a significant value of 0.942 which is greater than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is a positive relationship between the Arabic TV-channel and the Muslim identity. The variable Islamic celebrations has a significant value of 0.632which is greater than the 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is a positive relationship between the Arabic TV-channels in the homes and the Muslim identity. The variable Responsibility to the local mosque has a significant value of 0.388 which is larger than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that, there is a positive relationship between the responsibility to the local mosque and the Muslim identity.
Kutner, M. H., C. J. Nachtsheim, J. Neter, andW. Li (2005). Applied Linear Statistical Models
(5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.