Improving self-awareness
The concept of self-awareness is one of the issues that are apparently controversial, but imperative to an individual’s existence. Self-awareness is a psychological state in which individuals are aware of their behavior, emotions, and traits. Self-awareness is the apprehension of oneself as a distinct entity. It is the foundation of personal progression and accomplishment. While everyone strives to improve their self-awareness, some have failed in attaining or realizing the self-awareness that they so heartily desire. The paper shall candidly and expansively elucidate on three ways of improving self-awareness.
One of the most important ways of improving self-awareness is discovering and pushing physical limits. Whether in a marathon or exercise, one should realize that limits are not fixed but temporary. Most people have ‘locked up’ potential but their ability to utilize the potential is limited by what is ingrained in their minds. Physically challenging experiences helps an individual to recognize the potential and overcome the self-imposed obstacles. Victimizing thoughts should be dropped, and an effective internal change process initialized. Ostensibly, all activities are psychologically controlled and what the mind believes can surely be attained. Discovering our physical and emotional limits and going over them helps us to understand our way of reasoning, feelings, and perceptions. Moreover, past events that limited our triumph can be used to respond actively to comparable events in the future.
Secondly, one can improve self-awareness asking and listening the feedback that comes from the internal voice or the surrounding people. One can listen to the internal voice and improve from it or also approach people and ask for suggestions. Although many people feel defensive, terrified, and close-minded at performing such an analysis or follow-up, it has proved to be significant in helping people improve their self-awareness. The surprise criticisms that might arise from such a follow-up should be taken positively if the analysis is to be helpful. With correction, one’s weaknesses can ominously be demeaned. However, during such conversations, one has to have a list of what they believe to be their strengths and weaknesses. Honest feedback can be empowering and will assist an individual who has the aim of improving their self-awareness. However, one should avoid or tray to look yonder the notion of “the one” advisor who will hold your hand through the excursion of self-discovery. Although the profoundness of such relationships should not be underrated, sometimes placing your self-esteem in the hands of somebody can be tricky. Thinking critically and maturely about the responses that come from the social network offers valuable insight to understanding oneself.
Thirdly, taking personality tests can significantly help an individual to improve their self-awareness. Apparently, among the many tested available online, personality test has proven to be significant in helping an individual understand themselves, and gain sufficient knowledge of themselves. Tests such as the typical Princeton Review Career Quiz and the RHETI, closely related with the concept of Enneagram, are fast, concise, and easy to conduct. They can significantly help an individual to understand and/or realize the kind of person they are, their thinking, and their general perception of life. The tests are hilarious and impressive and can help an individual to improve their self-awareness.
The above elucidations clearly indicate that an individual can improve their self-awareness and use it to accomplish so much in life. Discovering and pushing physical limits, listening the feedback that comes from the internal voice or the surrounding people, and taking personality tests are inordinate in helping an individual to improve their self-awareness. They enable an individual to recognize their weak thoughts and improve on them. Additionally, our beliefs, expectations, and assumptions are realized.