Having considered all that it entails, I would prefer applying to be a supplier at Wal-Mart Stores inc. despite there being many perceivable difficulties; the opportunities presented outweigh the negatives. Dealing with the world’s biggest retailer will no doubt expose a business to the international market – which is an arena for exponential expansion (Fishman, 2003). I choose to adopt a risk seeking strategy because, from the analysis of what working with Wal-Mart entails, a business must take risky options so as to get exposed to better business environments, such as being the supplier of the most stable retailers. Being risk averse limits the growth potential of the organization.
If our organization becomes a Wal-Mart supplier, there are some principal areas that will have to change, key among them the cost structure of the organization. The organization must seek to adopt mechanisms that substantially cut back on costs so as to align the organization’s pricing structure with that of the retail giant (Chen, 2004). This will be done through reducing the staffing requirement and increasing the scope of work allocated to the units of human resources. This is in a bid to reduce resistance to change which is likely to arise in the event of reduction of salaries. Among the most potent vertical organizing that should be considered are supplier-partnerships. Supplier partnerships will see our organization receive materials at friendlier prices, hence lowering the costs of production. The organizational changes will be managed through adopting an inclusive approach – one in which all stakeholders are involved as a way of reducing resistance to change.
In analyzing the Wal-Mart discrimination woes, the platform they were adopting was racial background of the employees and the potential employees. Gender based discrimination was as well one among the most pronounced forms. In the contemporary world, the paradigm that ought to be followed is diversity management. Through diversity management, all prejudices will be eliminated and objectivity will be given a chance. I decided this through taking into consideration the fact that, following globalization, immigration and internationalization of business, the American society , just like many other societies on the global scene is multicultural. Additionally, Equal Employment Opportunity doctrines (EEO) guide the employment practices of any business in the modern world (Fishman, 2003). As a matter of fact, the discriminatory practices f Wal-Mart does affect my decision because working with them makes us part of their business community.
Fishman, C. (Dec, 2003). The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know. Fast Company. Retrieved From: https://www.byliner.com/charles-fishman/stories/the-wal-mart-you-dont-know
Chen, C. Y. (June, 2004). Wal-Mart Drives a New Tech Boom The retailer's push into radio-frequency identification means big business for gear makers, big savings in Bentonville. Fortune. Retrieved From: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2004/06/28/374410/