Understandably, most of people have confusions about differences between Sikh and Christian beliefs, as these 2 religions have a lot of similarities. Both followers of Christianity and Sikhism believe in Oneness of God and his role as the supreme creator. In Christian religion the acceptance of one God is showed as the trinity, which consists of Holy Spirit, God the Father and Jesus Christ, all these 3 aspects comprise one deity. Sikhs also believe that the Creator is one, but they teach that the Lord is simultaneously within the Creation and it is separated from it. They unlike the Christians do not accept that the God has a son, who is the Jesus Christ, thus rejecting that the Christ is unique and a single way to Lord. People, who follow Sikh doctrine, believe in reincarnation that the deceased will be born again until he ultimately reaches perfection in his earthly life. If the person achieves perfection, he/she will have the right to be considered one with Lord and be free from rebirths’ cycle. The Bible contradicts a cycle of rebirths, the Christians think that a person can die only one time and he is not able to be reborn. ( Heavenly Manna Ministries, 2008) In Christianity the people believe that the Creator has created individuals for having a connection with Lord, for this reason the universe was created by him and rules for right life and being righteous follower were laid down. From all this is followed that the purpose of every man is having relationship with Lord. The Sikhs have expanded the aspect of having relationship with Creator by considering that purpose of person’s life is connecting the the human soul with Lord through service, love and devotion. The Gurus teach that all people will ultimately receive the deliverance in case if they seek it in proper manner. Grace can be bestowed to those people, who will be chosen by God., but it will take enough rebirths and time. The soul of the person will be merged with God as its essence is the same as God’s. The followers of Christianity, on the contrary, consider that the person can be adopted into family of the Creator only if he accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior. In heaven he will have everlasting fellowship with God. Thus, these two doctrines may have much in common and simultaneously divergency. (Ram Gidoomal et al, 1997)
Ram Gidoomal & Margaret Wardell. (1997). Lions, Princesses and Gurus. Highland Books, Chapter 13.
Heavenly Manna Ministries. (2008). Sikhism Beliefs: Not that Different from Christian Beliefs? Heavenly Manna Publishing, the whole article.