The film Slumdog Millionaire was directed by Danny Boyle in 2008. This feature movie is 120-minutes length. Though Slumdog Millionaire is a British film it is based on the novel titled Q and A by Indian writer and diplomat Vikas Swarup. The film is aimed to depict a story of a young 18 year-old Indian guy ad what role does destiny and luck play in his life. The movie created a sensation in the year of its screening. Slumdog Millionaire won eight Academy Awards in 2009, including the awards for the Best Picture and Best Director, let alone other prestigious cinematographic contests, where the movie was positively evaluated. The film is noticeable for the creative plot, original scenery, eye-catching pictures illustrating the life of the poor citizens in India, good music. All in all, the movie has everything or almost everything to deserve its popularity and awards.
Slumdog Millionaire reveals a story of Jamal Malik, a poor 18 year-old orphan from the slums in one of the biggest cities in India, Mumbai. Jamal is one question away from winning the main award in the Indian analogue of the TV-show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The show breaks for the night and the boy is arrested on suspicion of unfair play. It is really strange that uneducated street teenager can know so much about the questions asked during the game. During that night Jamal tells inspector about events from his life to explain why he knows the answers. Besides, audience and the inspector get the information about the childhood of Jamal, the fate of his elder brother and a heartbreaking story of his affairs with Latika, a beautiful girl, whom he loved and lost. It is clear to the audience that the boy does not want to be rich. Yet the real reason of Jamal’s participation in the show is to be revealed the next day when he comes back to the show to answer the last question.
The plot of this film is definitely turns the attention of the audience by its uniqueness and simplicity. Actually, the movie seems to be the adaptation of a well-known fairy-tale Cinderella or some sort of American dream in Indian style. Though the main character is a male, he is hoping for his dreams come true and that his luck and destiny can change his life for the better. The director managed to create a modern fairy-tale in a way that it is still looks like an episode from a real life, and audience is captivated by the plot forgetting about the fact that the situation is hardly real. I think it is achieved with the help of TV-show format because everybody is used to watch such shows and to believe in truth behind them. As the film takes place in India it includes many features of Indian culture. For example, dances and songs are typical attributes of Indian movies and Danny Boyle added musical and dancing scenes to the plot. But there is no such feeling that these scenes are additional or secondhand to the film. Indeed, dances and music makes the movie more convincing. The soundtrack for this film is effective and always creates a corresponding mood. The music of Slumdog Millionaire was awarded with Oscar in 2009.
All in all, the film is worth seeing, especially for those, who still believe in romantic love and lucky chances. The movie leaves the feeling of confidence that everything will be good and nobody knows when the lucky day comes. Yet, everybody should hope that it is going to come very-very soon.
Example Of Slumdog Millionaire Review Movie Review
Type of paper: Movie Review
Topic: Cinema, Slumdog Millionaire, Audience, Film, Movies, Life, India, Public Relations
Pages: 2
Words: 600
Published: 02/24/2020
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