This paper gives a research proposal on the topic, “Should the U.S. develop more energy sources such as solar power and wind energy?” This is a very important area which needs a lot of research because of the environmental challenges which have been facing people in the modern society. Cases of global warming and climate change have become so threatening today. However, they have not resulted from any other natural force. Man has to take the blame because most of them have resulted from anthropological sources.
In this regard, the research will be aiming at creating awareness on the readers in order t make them understand the implications of their own actions. Besides, it will provide well thought recommendations which can be used to sensitize people on the best strategies to take in order to sustainably use the available natural resources without unnecessarily depleting them (Martinot, E. & Janet, S., 2009).
The paper is crucial in informing people on how to use energy I a conservative manner so as to make it benefit the biodiversity.
The research is targeting the environmentalists, industrialists, and political leaders (Gipe, P., 2000). These are very important [people who make decisions which end up affecting the lives of the general community both directly and indirectly. It will enable them to carry on their duties of creating public awareness on the best strategies to take in order to crate a friendly environment. Energy sector has faced a lot of problems. In fact, America is known to be the number one country at the fore front in encouraging global conflict because of energy.
The research will make a good use of both primary and secondary sources in the collection of data. Meaning, there will be a documentary analysis of published books, peer reviewed journals and other non book reading materials. Their review will enable the work to be sound and have a valid authoritative source to base its argument (Fthenakis, V. & Kim, H. C., 2009). Moreover, the paper will use interviews, questionnaires, direct observations and experimentation in designing the work. These are popular methods which can play a very significant role in the organization of this research.
It will create room for the paper to address all the issues which need to be exploited. Dependence on oil alone has brought a lot of problems to the United States of America (USA). Therefore, the paper will use this platform to sensitize the target audience on the challenges it has posed to the international community. Hence, it will be easier to justify why the economy should be diversified towards the adoption of recyclable energy sources such as wind and solar (Michiorri, P.C. T., 2007). Their use is significant because they can offer alternative sources to the traditional petrol which is now becoming depleted and expensive as a result of the increased demand in the world market. At the same time, this energy is environmental friendly since they can not contribute to environmental degradation (Aitken, D.W., 2010).
The paper will present the findings in a simple and clear manner. This will enable the readers to read, synthesize and comprehend the message. The presentation will involve the use of graphs, charts and diagrams (Lorraine, M. & Palkovic, R., 2004). This will create a clear picture on what is happening on the ground. Therefore, it will be of great value in sensitizing the target audience to sustain the environment for the benefit of the future generations to whom it belongs.
Aitken, D.W. (2010). Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future. International Solar Energy Society.
Fthenakis, V. & Kim, H. C. (2009). "Land use and electricity generation: A life-cycle analysis".
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (6–7): 1465.
Gipe, P. (2000) The Wind Industry's Experience with Aesthetic Criticism. Leonardo.
Lorraine, M. & Palkovic, R. (2004). Cooking with Sunshine (The Complete Guide to Solar
Cuisine with 150 Easy Sun-Cooked Recipes). Marlowe & Company.
Martinot, E. & Janet, S. (2009) Renewables Global Status Report 2009 Updated. Renewable
Energy World.
Michiorri, P.C. T. (2007). "Increasing the energy yield of generation from new and renewable
energy sources". Renewable energy 14 (2): 37–62.