1. Explain how the use of substances alters a person’s state of consciousness, including depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Include in this explanation what happens to the neurotransmitters and body chemicals as well as how you might recognize if a person at work or in your family is in an altered state of consciousness due to the influence of drugs.
Depending on the type of drug that a person is taking, it can enhance or inhibit a person’s neurotransmitters. This is because of the depressants inside of a person’s central nervous system can suppress or slow down the bodily processes, which is going to reduce a person’s ability to respond. The stimulants inside of a person’s central nervous system can increase a person’s ability to respond. This is one of the main reason why some people who are on drugs are going to have hallucinations (National, 2010).
The best way to figure out whether or not a person is on drugs is by taking a close look at whether or not a person’s physical appearance has changed along with their everyday behavior. Most of the time, when a person is on drugs, they are going to have have bloodshot eyes or their pupils could be dilated or constricted. This person might also have a lot of mood changes like they are no longer interested in the things that they used to or they might be very defensive when you try to talk to them about it. Therefore, this person is probably not going to have a good work attendance and they might not be able to carry on a conversation with you (Saskatchewan, 2013).
2. This question has five parts. One of the cornerstones of Freudian theory is the concept of the unconscious not to be confused with the state of being knocked unconscious by a blow to the head.
(a) What did Freud mean by the concept of the unconscious? (b) When is it beneficial for much of our behavior to be unconscious? (c) When is it not beneficial? (d) If much of our behavior is unconscious, can you recognize unconscious behavior in yourself and in others? (e) How would you know behavior was unconsciously driven?
Consistent with Freud, the unconscious mind is the place affections, urges, and remembrances exist outside of our cognizant mindfulness. He accepted numerous individuals curbed frightful remembrances in their unconscious mind and were unconscious of it. He additionally accepted that our unconscious mind impact our conducts and encounters in spite of the fact that we are unconscious of it. Profits to oblivious thinking incorporate studying abilities, for example playing the piano or violin. An individual who has aced the expertise of playing an instrument will quit depending on their cognizant personalities for each thought or movement that goes into playing the instrument and it will turn into an oblivious activity. Our unconscious minds are not useful in the event that it depicts and biased and supremacist acts or considerations (McLeod, 2009).
For example, when Mel Gibson was intoxicated and arrested for a DUI, he said a racist comment against Jews. He later apologized and claimed it was “blurred out in a moment of insanity.” I believe we can distinguish oblivious conducts. A marker may be stating something or doing something we regularly wouldn't. We may understand our conduct was unwittingly determined when after the activity or thought happens, we might ponder "Where did that hail from" or "Did I simply say that or do that?" When the oblivious part of us assumes control, we me might do something or say something and not comprehend why we are doing it. Case in point, our oblivious personalities can assume control when we are in a contention with somebody and only blab about anything that come to mind.
3. Group think is a concept that involves individuals abandoning their critical sense and agreeing to group process even when they know it will have disastrous consequences.
Your will encounter these pressures in your work life and need to be prepared. Have you ever done something in a group that you would not have done if you were alone? What happened? How did you feel? What have you learned from this chapter that might help you avoid this behavior in the future, and avoid group think?
All of the things that I have done in a group that I would never do if I was along is to fight with someone. By all means I am not a fighter, but sometimes things can just get out of control especially when I am out with my friends. The fight was between a bunch of my friends and some of the other people that were inside of the club. Because of this fight, there were people who got hurt and we are never allowed to go back into that club again. During the fight, there was a little bit of excitement, but after it was over there was a lot of regret especially since some of the people that I was close to were hurt in the process. Therefore, I have learned to avoid any type of this behavior by thinking about everything before I do it. This is the best way to help me to know what the consequences of my actions are going to be. This also allows to figure out a different solution to the problem without causing any violence.
4. How does prejudice develop and how might it be supported in families and in the work place? Do you believe that you are free of prejudice? After reading this chapter, which of the many factors that cause prejudice do you think is most important to change?
I believe that prejudice is developed through a person’s personal experience and what they have been taught. When a person is constantly exposed to certain stereotypes, then they are going to believe that everything that they have been taught is true. This is going to be especially true when a person is hearing prejudice from their parents and other people that are around them. This is because the parents are going to have a lot of influence over the prejudice that a person might have.
The best example of how prejudice can be active in the workplace is when a woman might have more experience and worked longer for a company, but the company chooses to promote a man that is less qualified. Therefore, it is very important that a child’s family teaches their children not to have any prejudice around other people. This is because the child is going to learn everything from what their parents say or do. Even though, the children might not show the prejudice when they are children, when they become adults they will probably start doing some of the things that they saw their parents doing. This is a good reason why parents should always be a good example for their children from the start. The earlier that a child sees their parents behaving in the right way, the easier it is going to be for the child to learn this behavior (Anti, 2001).
Anti-Defamation League. (2001). Talking to your Child about Hatred and Prejudice. Retrieved on October 14th, 2013, from http://archive.adl.org/issue_education/hateprejudice/print.asp.
McLeod, Saul. (2009). Unconscious Mind. Simply Psychology. Retrieved on October 13th, 2013, from http://www.simplypsychology.org/unconscious-mind.html.
National Institute of Drug Abuse. (2010). Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. Retrieved on October 15th, 2013, from http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/science-addiction.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health. (2013). So what do I say to my children about drugs and
alcohol? The Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention of the Saskatchewan Ministry
of Health.