This paper will reflect on the freedom on the speech on how it affects democracy. It will give a brief history of what freedom of speech is. It will also address how the freedom of speech contributes to society.
Main Body
Freedom of speech is a constitution right that protects to speak their mind and express their opinions through words spoken or word written. This contributes to democracy governance in countless ways and is critical. The freedom of speech gives an individual the ability to stand up.
If people or person does not like an event or an organization that is happening, they have the right to speech to protest about it. This is the beauty about the freedom of speech in the United States of America. There are no harsh punishments like cutting off fingers if a person speaks their mind.
Power of words is again a huge reason. It plays a dominant role in society. One example of how this done is through the part of politicians.
One of the greatest former presidents was JFK. His speeches today,are cherished and respected by historians and individuals. He had the ability to make words firm yet with care. In the article, “JFK’s mind-blowing speech on secrecy and the role of newspapers by Tom Foremski provided an video, comments and an transcripts of one JFK speeches. “I am not asking your newspapers to support the administration, but I am asking you help in the tremendous task of informing and altering the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizen whenever they are fully informed (John F Kennedy).”
JFK words, like other former presidents or president or politician, can lead to assignations and war. It can lead to hate or to love. Words can be twisted in the hands on a sinister person.
Freedom of speech is one of the greatest aspects of being American. It engages people to think. The forming of a relationship is always good. As Winston Churchill said, ““You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” He also said, ““Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. A man as noble as him, Americans need to remember for it can help bring understanding to countless principles of life.
Foremski, T. (2013, July 14, 2013). JFK’s mind-blowing speech on secrecy and the role of newspapers [Magazine]. Zd Net. Retrieved from http://www.zdnet.com/jfks-mind-blowing-speech-on-secrecy-and-the-role-of-newspapers-7000018023/
Lamb, R. S. (2010, May 6, 2010). Without freedom of expression, there is no democracy [Online Newspaper]. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/ramdas_lamb/2010/05/without_freedom_of_expression_there_is_no_de
Welcome to Winston Churchill. (n.d.). http://www.winstonchurchill.org/