Today, USA is determined to reassure the global community on their war against terrorism. According to one of the most recent research study, it is revealed that 46% of the Americans believe that Terrorism is the greatest threat to National Security. Conservatives in their view, believes that Islamic terrorism is the monster threat to American state security. Further, they believe that, the action has trumped the traditional enemies such as Iran and Russia.
The most astonishing revelations is, “terrorism is the use of violence by non-state actors against civilians to achieve a political goal." This shocking news was unveiled on 24th April when the Pentagon officials deployed the American aircrafts to turn back the Iranian convey carrying weapons. In their view, there is need to meet the community leaders not only in U.S.A but also in foreign ministries from different nations to discuss the matter. The article further reveals that majority of the non-state nations that are victimized by terrorism rejects the ideology. The article believes that all the global generation needs to dissuade the vulnerable people from joining any of such groups. The article further aims to provide long-term initiatives such as youth job training to all the suspected countries to reduce such attacks. In addition, the article appeals to the state nations to bend backwards and forget the idea of antagonizing the non-state nations such as Iraq and the entire Middle East nations on terrorism.
In conclusion, the constitutional rights are the cornerstone of every society. Therefore, it is important that every nation rights are respected and protected without any form of victimization. This trend will ensure better standards of living in all nations.
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