Graduation is a time of great opportunities. You have finished your school, worked hard and progressed from one level to the next and achieved goals that were sometimes difficult to realize. Now that is coming to an end. There will always be great memories from those years of friends to whom you were close and teachers who helped in countless ways. But now your life is going in a different direction. All those things you accomplished in school have led you to a place where you need to choose a new path. It is also a time for dreams, a time to follow your dreams while they are there, while you have the chance. You may never have that chance again. So graduation is a time for reflection and decision about what you want to do with your life.
Graduation is when you need to take time and decide what direction to go in. You are older now and have the chance and responsibility to yourself, and others, to make good choices, ones that will be of lasting benefit to you. The most important one for your dreams is education because it is the key for you that will unlock doors for what you want to do. This involves choosing a good college.
This is a time when you need to use very good judgment. You know what your career goal is, so choosing the best college is very important. You should talk with people in the
profession you are interested in and get their advice about what will help you in your career, including what is happening in the profession and what is important to study. The college should have a good reputation for your area of study. Then you need to research the colleges that look interesting; the reputation of the teachers, high admission standards, library facilities, affordability, and bursaries and scholarships available. You need to be careful and not be influenced by what some friends want you to do. Choosing a college wisely will open doors for you later. This is part of making opportunities for yourself. This is the groundwork for a career.
Having a career you enjoy is so important. Many people do work they do not like, sometimes for their whole life. If you are doing the kind of work you like you will have a happier life. Also, if you are wise about choosing a good college this will promote your career because people are influenced this, so long as you are willing to work hard at your career. The further benefit of this is that you will be more successful in your career which can make you financially secure. By doing these things you create the means to have a family and provide for them.
Graduation is a time of opportunities, as you see some of the past go and look forward to
the future. It is a time when you can make wise choices because you recognize there are so
many great things you can do with your life. You can get the education you want which will
allow you to develop a career and for your dreams to come true. Only one person can do these
things, the person who lives their dreams, who makes them come true.