People become famous for many different reasons, but not all of them are able to handle the spotlight acquired. It is actually not possible to give a definition for fame to be good or bad, but it is necessary to remember that the “game” that has been played by notoriety is tricky and not always leads you the path of happiness. Being famous is like to be “published” for public review every single day of your life and this is the most intolerable condition to handle. You want to be a celebrity – forget about your privacy! There are a very few people in the world, who will not take a chance to become popular among friends, classmates or roommates and this is only early stages of what lies beneath. A lot of questions might be asked on the matter of being famous: “How is it, when you are a star?”, “What is it – “living famous?”, “Can I become one?”, “Would that change me or not?” And the answer is a strong yes, because the decision to become a celebrity is tough and it does change your character entirely.
Literally, the fame affects people in different ways. If you are the one who is wealthy and recognized by the nation, it does not mean that you are bad or rude. A lot of profitable actions have been taken by those who are “on the wave “. To push an envelope a little further, we might say that we are willing to be famous every single day with the time flow, and the older we get – the stronger is desire to rise up to preferable heights or regret for not doing that earlier. Anyway, to describe the character of famous people we have to be them, because a lot of strangers think that they know everything about their “examples of how to be” only by seeing him or her on TV, and this is not even close to what is happening in the person’s head for real. All the celebrities are victims of their own egoism. They don’t trust themselves after couple of years being a star. How would you feel, when you see yourself on the TV and live two different lives while living one? Sometimes it just does not fit. What would you do, if millions of people will be looking at you in different life situations and do the exact same thing you were doing? Be careful, their lives are in your hands and upon your actions. Addressing this to themselves, celebrities are having a tough time while planning their next step, their next move. Will you be able to handle that? You better be, if you want to become one. A plenty of attention, written acts, on public plays – all that affect their mind, converting them to personality with limited choice. Whole life people seek for freedom of will, freedom of choice and once it is granted you gain satisfaction. Fame is not about being free to choose, you have notoriety – you don’t have an option, though you have a lot of money and respect.
The interesting question to think about while trying to figure how the fame contributes in people’s life – is “What role do we, viewers, play in that whole exciting act?” We form the environment for celebrities to live in. So to say, we are “building a house” for them to live and act in. To be honest, if to refer to last couple of years’ statistics, humanity has lost its interest in “good things” that are going on and the most fascinating is to see is murder and crime to happen. Our interest forms the need for famous people to act accordingly. “Eye catch” – that’s all they need.
It is crucial not to lose the sight of “what’s important” when you are already famous. The gold mountains and rivers of alcohol may cause you to forget that you are a person first of all. People admit each other only for some certain reasons and actions so it is critical not to leave the reasons you got acknowledged behind and take them along with you in a long “journey” of successful existence. The “nonsense” of the fame – is that it can affect you in such way; you will not recognize yourself looking back to who you were before getting famous. The fame gives a “rebirth” to personality and you should be strong-minded to remain the person you’ve used to be. Never late the fame to have a major effect on you, you will lose the battle, if you guard is down even for a second. Sometimes we can use fame, and we can name it as a “tool”. In the middle of the process, before getting the fame and giving up being a star, there is a short period of time that will contribute to the whole your further life experience. You have to decide, where you like to be famous or not, therefore, to be more precise you have to decide on “Do you like notoriety, or not?” After you do that, think once more, if it is you to be famous.
Splendor granted, brings a lot of pressure in person’s life and it has been created by the society that surrounds you. Different people, different points of views, different opinions – all that dance around you when you are at the center of attention. Initially every person consider him or herself to be very important for the entire world, and that is not bad at all, because it shows that your self-esteem is doing good. Now imagine, when you are wealthy, you request for even more attention that you already have and not getting one might get you out of the right track and then, suddenly, you are at the bottom of the point you have started from. The fame comes fast and grows fast – making people worthy and greedy at the same time, ruining the inner world to the very end.