“In sooth, I know not why I am sad” this quote from the first scene of act one introduces the readers of the book to the main character – Antonio, who says he is saddened by circumstances he does not understand (88).
“When I was with him, I heard him swear to tubal and to Chus, his countrymen” This quote from the beginning of the third act shows that Shylock will has learnt about the news of the wreckage of Antonio’s merchandise at sea. The shylock would exact the penalty according to the agreement. This saddens Antonio (169).
Salerio: “But tell me not: I know Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise” this shows that Antonio’s friends have learnt about his sadness and are making their guesses on what could make him sad. Antonio refutes all these suggestions (388).
“Mark you this, Bessanio, the devil can cite scripture for his purpose.O, what a goodly outside false hood hath!” from this quote, Antonio reveals that he could be saddened by the hatred he holds from within himself by referring to the Jews, and especially shylock as the “devil.”(203)
“I like not fair terms and a villain’s mind” in saying this Bessanio, who is a friend to Antonio, realizes that Antonio is depressed and would wish to please his friends by doing anything that would make the friends happy. However, Bessanio does not approve the loan and the conditions attached to it by the Shylock. This also saddens Antonio even more (176).
“A beggar that was used to come so smug upon the mart; let him look to his bond.” This is said by the shylock after realizing that Antonio would not repay the loan. He lists the offences that Antonio has committed in the past that would not allow him to pardon Antonio. He is not sure if he could survive the penalty of reducing one pound of his flesh. This even worsens his sadness (200).
“I am a tainted wether of the flock, meetest for death: the weakest kind of fruit drops earliest to the ground Then to live still and write mine epitaph” in this phrase, Antonio compares himself to the weakest sheep in the flock. He also compares himself to a fruit which is overripe and is about to drop. In this case, he is saddened by the fact that he is about to die (182).
“A Daniel come to judgment! A Daniel! O wise young judge, ho I do honor thee!” this quote by shylock saddens Antonio since at this time, the young judge, who is Portia disguised as a man, is only referring to things that would make Antonio suffer the penalty. However, at the end of the scene, it turns out that the “Daniel” is using her tricks to save Antonio (258).
“Your mind is tossing in the ocean” Salerio, a friend to Antonio has also realized that his friend is sad, he suggests that he could be worried about the fleet o merchant ships, which he is not sure of their safety (17).
“You have too much respect upon the world: they lose is that do buy it with much care (168)” Gratiano, who is a jolly person, advices his friend Antonio not to worry too much and put little concern on the affairs of his business affairs. He explains that worrying too much about a person’s wealth do not get pleasure from them.
Work Cited
William Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice. New York: B. Tauchnitz. 1843 print.