The play moonchildren are a comic play in two acts by Michael Weller. The play is produced by Zelda Fichandler and directed by Alan Schneider. The play is acted in the Royal Court theatre. The play qualifies to be a successful movie as evident in its stage production; Marjorie selection of costumes is excellent, and the play lighting done by Vance Sorrells is appropriate and is used in an appropriate manner which makes the play more comical. The work of Weller is perceived to be “seminal work” it is an attractive work which have stood the test of time. Although, the play is rooted in the era it was written, it remains contemporary since it has strong supportive themes which are unchanging and universal.
Weller’s play moonchildren could succeed as a movie since it appears like it was from journalist objective, and Wellers discerning eye of the generation that came up after the Vietnam War. The play is acutely observed, intelligent, and beautifully acted theatrical experience that makes the play achieve high rank. Just like a movie the performance of the play is true, fresh, and exciting; the production of the play was both funny and heartbreaking with excellent pace and design. Tim Errickson, the director of the play depicted an unerring sense of the piece which was of considerable significance to the play. The audience, the actors, and the entire evening were appropriate revealing the true meaning of word revival; like life is restored to full validity and strength. This makes moonchildren have features like those of a good movie since it provides good entertainment.
Moonchildren qualify to succeed like a movie since the stage production touches people’s feelings. Once people watch it, the memories can not fade easily. The performance was entertaining given the entertaining performers. For example, Mac Brydon haunting looks on his face as he knew of his mother’s death and the story of his cheating girlfriend. Victor M. Trevino’s ability to react appropriately when narrating an off-color story, Jane Courtney’s entertaining deep dizziness, among other actors in the play that makes the play lively since they are beautifully detailed in moments that build and accommodate each other since the actors deemed to be performing a live, incendiary ensemble. It resembles features of a good movie since characters are the most crucial factor in a movie. There would be no plot or story if characters are absent. Characters in the play moonchildren have qualities that the audience can relate.
The plot of the play is good. Just the way a good plot, is a crucial factor in a movie; the plot in the play is attractive drawing the audience attention up to the end. Movies are considered to be mirrors of life since they capture what is happening around the world. Just like Weller made proper judgment of the quality of what was expected after the Vietnam War on the coming generation, children are able to understand themselves through reflection. Just like the motive of a movie is to educate, moonchildren can fit to be a movie since it serve as a device that prepares the youth to their adulthood. Some will fall in education, some in war, jobs, or death. Weller achieves this by envisions of the journey across the desert with pools of quicksand.
Fields, D., & James, E. (1999). Videos that teach: teachable movie moments from 75 modern film classics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Youth Specialties/Zondervan.
Pickering, K., & Woolgar, M. (2009). Theatre studies. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Weller, M. (1971). Moonchildren: a comic play in two acts. New York: S. French.