I shall be applying the political approach to this current disposition. This approach was conceptualized by Bolman and Deal. This approach is based on sound and thorough knowledge of all the facts in play as well as sound understanding of current events in relation to the issue at hand as well as a predictive ability of multiple scenarios that may result from certain actions and sound knowledge and desertion ability as to which of this outcomes is desirable and which is not wanted and unacceptable (Bolman, Deal, 2008).this approach has an extremity notion and might even result in coercion in order to ensure that a certain goal is met and certain objectives are indeed achieved. This notion of extremism should however not be confused with the regular form of extremism applied by regular politician in their day to day activities. This is extremism inclined towards the accomplishment of certain goals which are essential for the general development of the organization.in other words it is extremism which lacks a selfish notion. Instead of benefiting one person or just the top brass management of the organization this extremism aims to ensure the welfare of all people with affiliations to the organization. This can also be termed as a do or die mentality in which failure is not an option and wits and brains are used to maneuver the tricky waters that eventually led to success, either financial, social, or otherwise (Collins, 2005).
This approach mainly deals with interest groups.it involves sound deliberation with these groups and detailed discussion until a compromise is arrived at to which all concerned parties are in total agreement.it also involves a detailed look into the grievances of the interest groups and weighing the validity of all possible solutions to these grievances with an aim of arriving at the best solution which is satisfactory to the interest groups and also to other groups that are concerned or that may have stakes in the matter (Bolman, Deal, 2008).the administration or personalities in authority should behave sound knowledge of all that is going on in the organization on a real time basis. This will enable the administrating authority to be able to make sound deliberation based on the actual facts on the ground. This will also put the administrating authority at a better position to make the best decision which is in the best interest of the organization as fr as the deliberations are concerned. This will also put the administrating authority at a better position to enable concerned parties reach a compromise which is acceptable by all parties and which ensures sound development of the organization.
This approach solves organizational problems by centralizing power. This approach involves the building of strong coalitions which are likely to withstand any organizational storm. A centralized power block is necessary in ensuring order is maintained in an organization.it also makes it easier to deal with emergent issues as there is no ambiguity as to who is responsible for what. The roles and tasks of everyone, in terms of their organizational obligations, are clearly spelt out. Everyone is well aware of their role ant it is clear who should be approached during a particular kind of crisis (Bolman, Deal, 2008). Coalition building is also necessary in increasing influence and building a better and much more durable reputation. Coalition building is also necessary to ensure that the organization moves forward and makes steps that would have otherw3ise been difficult to make in the absence of coalitions. These coalitions open up an entirely new paradigm for the organization in terms of new opportunities and financial and social mobility. Coalition building also strengthens the portfolio of the organization and gives the organization an entirely new look in the eyes of the public. This can be thought of a rebranding and advertising all rolled into one (Cameron, 2009).
This approach requires deliberation and negotiation over limited resources.it involves taking into account all the issues raised by the concerned parties and analyzing it as carefully as possible.it also involves calling all concerned parties to the table so that each party raises their issue in person and without fear.it also involves fostering understanding among the concerned parties so that each concerned party understands the position of the opposing party. This will make it much easier for the parties to reach a reasonable compromise as opposed to a hardline stance on the meeting of their various demands and solution of their individual problems.it also fosters a better relationship among concerned parties after a misunderstanding or disagreement over the distribution of certain resources (Bolman, Deal, 2008). With all parties at the table, each party gets to speak their mind thus eliminating the bad blood hat would exist between the parties should one party feel disenfranchised by the final decision reached by the management in favor of an opposing party. This also creates the perfect avenue for the concerned parties to have a sober discussion on the distribution of limited resources which may cause further conflict and disagreement in the future.in such an avenue the facts are clearly separated from the fiction in a condusive environment that tends to shun hostility and foster teamwork and peace as far as the involved parties are concerned (A lee, 2005).
This approach is more likely to work in a wide variety of scenarios than it is to fail. This is because it involves tactic and detailed calculation. The idea of randomness or uncertainty in moving forward is completely eliminated. All possible outcome scenarios have been analyzed in detail and the management has a clear picture of what is most likely to happen given a certain approach is applied. The centralization of power also eliminates the threat of dissent and ensures a relative amount of loyalty to the administration. This is not a scare tactic but an attempt to give the administration a more solidified command structure that is clear to all members of the organization (Bolman, Deal, 2008).deliberations also tend to build a more cohesive environment as far as the members of the organization are concerned. This is essential to ensure that the members of the organization shun selfishness and personal egoism and embrace a spirit of teamwork and unity which is aimed at ensuring prosperity of the organization as a whole and also prosperity of the individual members of the organization.
This approach can be applied by consolidating all the power in the organization around a single managerial structure. This gives the administration the mandate and the power to act accordingly in relation to the nature of any crisis that may arise.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2008). The wizard and the warrior: leading with passion and power. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint.
Allee, V. (2004). The knowledge evolution expanding organizational intelligence. Boston, Mass.: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Cameron, K. S., Sutton, R. I., & Whetten, D. A. (2009). Readings in organizational decline: frameworks, research, and prescriptions. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Pub. Co..
Collins, D. (2005). Organizational change: sociological perspectives. New York: Routledge.