Chinavasion Wholesale Website Review is a well crafted, professionally designed website with clear menus and categories which are easy to navigate. This website provides its customers with any kind of electronics, electronic gadgets, and home electronic devices. The description offered concerning the products is very comprehensive and has good pictures of the products. Chinavasion makes it convenient and easy for its customers to purchase products of their choice. Customers from anywhere in the world can use this site since it has several languages namely English, Italiano, Francias, Espanol, and Deutsch.
The website name “” and also its URL is very simple and satisfactory to the customers since it is easy to remember and locate it.
The layout of Chinavasion website offers a sharp and clear layout of its content, hence allowing its prospective customers to grasp clearly the presented information. The splitting of the content into specific categories such as wholesale, new products, hot products, and specials allows the customer viewing the website to immediately find his or her products of interest. Moreover, within these subsections, there is a specification of the products available, for instance computer accessories, smart watches, mobile phones, health and lifestyle, android tablets and many more, hence giving a precise synopsis of what Chinavasion offers to the consumer. Generally, the design and content-layout is user friendly, this is mainly because it combines specific product categories with a layout that is pleasant. Its good layout encourages the consumer to explore the website. is a website that is easy to navigate and the customer can easily find any kind of product he or she is looking for. When new users visit this website, they find it relatively easy to understand since the titles and keywords are compelling, clear, easy to understand and attractive. This website also provides an option of “Search For Products” that helps the users to find fast what they want if they cannot exactly find specific items they are looking for or if they are searching from the category menu. The searching option provides guidelines and advanced options that allow the website users to narrow their search into specifics. This website limits its selling only to electronic gadgets, accessories and devices. In this category, there are many ranges of products. All the products listed in the website have descriptions from its manufacturers making it easy for the consumers to identify product brand of their choice.
Effectiveness of the shopping cart; the main objective of a shopping cart is to instill trust in the potential customers and look professional. This website makes the shopping experience of its customers convenient and pleasant when ordering products of their choice. The features of the shopping cart allow the consumer to send item selections to the shopping cart from the shopping page while they continue with their shopping. It also tabulates the total cost plus the shipping cost for the selected shipping method by the customer. Chinavasion made its shopping cart easy to use by putting pictures and listing accordingly their products, and also deciding the method that can be used by the customers to make payments by options such as PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Maestro credit cards, and American Express card. Customers can as well contact the company’s customer service for additional information via live chat.
Chinavasion website has been designed professionally, crafted well with clear menus and categories which are easy to navigate. The website provides detailed information such as buying guidance, product categories and live chat. The website also provides information about the company that can be traced back to its physical location. The description provided about the product is comprehensive. Consumers are also able to read customer reviews of the items found on the site, this helps them in knowing the experience other consumers who have used the same product. The products on this site also come with a warranty of 12 months whether you are a drop shipper, wholesaler or end user. Customers can shop securely on this site with their credit cards. The site also has good reviews that have helped it gain customer confidence.
Therefore, according to my observation the contrast of the website should be improved, this is because contrast plays a crucial role in a website. Contrast is the difference in visual properties of an object. is too colorful and the color combination is difficult for the viewer’s eyes. Chinavasion used different text style and colors fonts throughout the site. This makes both important and the unimportant information appears similar (FrozenFire, 2015). This shows no uniqueness and no originality. Chinavasion should therefore improve the contrast between elements so as to attract visitors’ attention.
FrozenFire. (2015). Best practices in website design. Accessed 27 June 2015 from <>