Marriage is the central issue of the family relations. The people of different religions, status and nationality enter into marriage in order to create valuable element of the society. For significant amount of people, the marriage plays crucial role in the further establishment of the priorities for living. Hence, the marriage can not be regarded as the trivial issue due to the consequences it causes. Besides, the current state of the globalization of the society and ongoing changes of the moral values have resulted into appearance of new social institutions as same-sex marriage. In fact, there are extremely opposing views to the nature of the same-sex marriage so that it requires additional investigation.
Research Background and Motivation
The same sex marriage is the essential problem of the political nature that defines the flow of the relations between the members of particular society. The question is important for the population of the United States due to the recent developments in the case law with the adoption of the landmark decision about the legal right of the people to enter same-sex marriage. In 2008 the people of California submitted the request for the conduction of referendum devoted to the provision of the people with the legal opportunity to have such marriage. With the adoption of the landmark decision by the judiciaries of the Supreme Court, the society has become divided into two parts as opposing and following the decision of the highest judicial institution. In this respect, it is highly important to understand the reasons of such behaviour of the people confronting to the presence of the institution of the same-sex marriage in the contemporary society. Therefore, the overview of the causes of this behaviour will add clarity to the further development of this institution in the United States and its influence over the living of the people in the other states.
Research Project
Given the subject matter of the paper, it is expected to investigate several reasons of the opposing positions to the existence of the gay marriage in the United States. The research is limited to the investigation of the regulation of the gay marriage in this particular country because of the fact that there were several protests for and against the adoption of the landmark decision upon this human right. With that, this research will cover the investigation of the role of the gay marriage from the psychological position and ideological one. The inclusion of these reasons into the research will ensure that understanding of the perspectives on the further regulation of the gay marriage in the country and its direct influence over the life of people that continue to live in the same society with the opposing views to this institution. Moreover, it will be defined whether it is recommended to remove certain confrontations to the gay marriage or not in order to cease appearing conflicts between the members of the American society.
Research Structure
This particular paper contains introduction part with the appropriate research aims and background. In addition, the methodology is included in order to achieve the research objectives with the right instruments. The application of the research designs and instruments assists in the investigation of the nature of gay marriage, the reasons of conflicts between different members of the society because of the appearance of this social institution with th influence over the living of the people in the United States. The discussion and findings section will contain the exact reasons why the people of the United States should continue their oppression to the gay marriage. Therefore, the arguments against the gay marriage will be presented in full. Finally, in the conclusion part the brief analysis of the major findings will be made.
Research Questions
What arguments prevail among the members of the American society in the opposing to the gay marriage?
Whether does gay marriage fall within the scope of the human rights and should be respected by all members of the community regardless their personal beliefs and moral values?
What is the influence of the Supreme Court landmark decision on the right to enter same sex marriage in the United States over the religious institutions?
The abovementioned research questions will be achieved with the application of the qualitative research design and case study analysis. Moreover, the primary data will be collected for the observation of the attitudes of the people of the United States in favour or against the gay marriage.
This particular section addresses the research designs and techniques that are applied for the investigation of the essence of the gay marriage in the United States. For the achievement of the research questions, this paper will be accomplished by virtue of the case study investigation. This analysis will be made in form of the processing of the secondary reports and studies devoted to the analysis of the reasons of the confrontation around the gay marriage in the contemporary society of the United States. Moreover, the case study research design will be limited to the investigation of the changes in the attitude of the people to the institution of the marriage in the United States. This implies that the reasons in the opposing behaviour of the people in the other European countries will not be taken into account. In addition, the research objectives will be followed with the usage of the primary data processing. Under the primary data one should understand the submission and further collection of the surveys from more than 100 people in different regions of the United States about some issues in reference to the gay marriage.
This research paper is accomplished with the usage of the primary data that is limited to the collection of the opinion among the residents of the United States about the essence and influence of the gay marriage since the adoption of the landmark decision in 2008. The surveys were distributed to several users of such mobile channels as Facebook, Telegram. However, these primary instruments were submitted in response anonymously in order to ensure confidentiality of the data obtained. Therefore, the absence of the selection criterial has simplified the process of the collection and processing of the information about the attitudes of the people of the United States to the gay marriage institution. The only requirement that has been requested to provide in response for the organizer of the survey was the inclusion of information about the age of the respondent, marital status and nationality. The establishment of such limitations allows to ensure that the representatives of different social classes and groups have participated and express their position to the gay marriage as the new social movement.
Data collection Procedures
The data collection procedures imply the establishment of the timeframe of one month at the social networks for the submission of the responses. With that, the people had an opportunity to access the surveys via direct link placed via Facebook and Telegram as the most efficient means of the communication. Due to the intention to expand the coverage with this survey, it was requested in the beginning of the survey to share it with the other members of the society with the purpose to contribute to the essential social research. After the termination of the timeframe established for the submission of the responses to the surveys and achievement of the amount of 100 respondents, the processing of the information was started. The usage of the social networks for the collection of these surveys is the most appropriate form of the communication with the people living in the same region while it ensures the increasing flow of the information between members of the society.
Data Analysis Procedures
The surveys contained graphs that should have been filled by the participants of this process on the reasons for and against gay marriage. In this respect, the responses of the participants assisted in the investigation and identification of the all scope of the reasons of such behaviour of the people against the promotion of the gay marriage in the United States since the adoption of the landmark decision of the United States. In addition, the respondents answered about their moral beliefs and religious belongings based on which it became clear as to what groups of people oppose to the respect of gay marriage institution in the country. The inclusion of the information about the influence of the gay marriage appearance in the United States allowed to define the necessity of the limitation of the gay marriage institution to partial extent with the purpose to maintain legal order in the country and stability. Regardless the fact that the human rights nowadays are extended to the right of the person to enter same-sex marriage, the balance between the interests of all members of the society should be ensured by the local state bodies and executives.
Findings and Discussion
Several millions of people in the United States are concerned with the extent of the interference of the government in the regulation of the marriage as the social institution. This issue has never appeared in case of the absence of the conflicts around the trend in the society in favour of the legalization of the gay marriage. With that, it is still not clear enough whether the marriage should be subject of the regulation from the religious institutions or it should be controlled by the state bodies. Meanwhile, several investigations confirm that it is up to the American government to set the limits of the regulation of the gay marriage and the rights of the people in this dimension. This approach grounds on the fact that the religious institutions lack appropriate sources and capabilities in order to exercise control over the flow of the relations between the people (Times, 2017). It is clear that the institution of the marriage has been changed since its early appearance in the early times. Today the people have quite different views of the marriage as the important stage in the life of the person due to the differences in the moral values, cultural notions and other factors. However, the contemporary society is concerned with the development of the same-sex institution that was recognized by the Supreme Court in 2008 as the valid action and one of the human rights (Nussbaum, 2009).
In view of the aforementioned statements, it is necessary to state that the United States represents the diverse country. In this respect, there are several people there is a vast amount of the residents with confronting religious values and moral commitments. With the purpose to achieve clarity about the same sex marriage, it is highly important to rely on the pivotal grounds of the arguments against the same sex marriage as the social institution. This implies that some arguments can be presented in neutral manner while the other are referred to the doctrinal problems. In fact, it should be noted that the primary concern of the people of the United States against the same sex marriage lies in the immoral nature of this interaction. Align with this argument, several people stand to the position that proliferation of the same sex marriage will affect the desire of people to have children. From one perspective, the procreation argument in reference to the same sex marriage implies that there is lack of clarity in the regulation of the relations between heterosexuals and toleration between the same sex couples. The third group of the argument is referred to the lieu of the Free Exercise Clause under the First Amendment. This argument presumes that the state should be against the same sex marriage as it affects negatively the operation of the religious institutions in the United States. Thus, the expansion of the gay marriage should be limited in favour of the achievement of the essential interests of the people of the United States. The primary concern of the availability of this argument is linked to the fact that the state should exercise its functions in the regulation of the legal order in the country. Besides, the legalization of the same sex marriage only proves the fact that the gay marriage has become and will continue to the object of heated confrontations between the members of the American society. Furthermore, there are several other arguments that arise in terms of the regulation of the same sex marriage. Namely, the existence of the appeal to the difficulties with the traditional marriage will be applied to the supervision of the same sex marriage as the social institution. There are extremely high rates of the divorces in the United States and improper attitude from the parents to their children while the proliferation of the same sex marriage will only force people to step aside from the conventional forms of the marriage. The experts believe that same sex marriage diminishes the responsibility of the person in executives of the family duties in relation to the other family members and children, in particular. It is clear that it is rather hard to define the exact implications and consequences of the appearance of the legal right to have same sex marriage over the state of the family in the United States. However, these assumptions should be foreseen with the purpose to save quality of the life of the American people and local resources in the maintenance of the mental health of the local children (Nussbaum, 2009).
For the collection of the information about the attitudes of the people and their reasons for the negative view of the gay marriage, the following survey was used:
In addition to the provision of the answers to these surveys, the people have included information about their age, marital status, nationality and religion in order to have an opportunity to differentiate the differences in position of several groups. The collection of this information has contributed to the understanding of the role and place of the gay marriage in the American society. At the same time, it is clear that the investigation of this subject matter and relevant environment could have been deeper. However, it became apparent that the issue of the fay marriage discussion is vital for the members of this movement while the straight people consider this issue as quite sensitive.
Among the most common arguments against the same sex marriage, the following statements and causes should be observed. In fact, the gay marriage is in contradiction with the natural order. However, this assumption is not truthful in full due to the fact that the marriage represents social institution that has been established and maintained by the state executives. Therefore, the decision on the state of the marriage as the institution should be at the disposal of the people of the United States. The other arguments claims that the marriage exists for the promotion of the procreation. Meanwhile, the status of the healthcare system and its achievements evidence about the new opportunity for the people of the same marriage to ensure procreation with several other means. In this regard, any member of the society should keep in mind that the procreation should be in place in case the person is ready to provide appropriate care and love for the future children. Meanwhile, the same sex marriage is in contradiction with the religious beliefs of the people of different nationalities and groups. Hence, the representatives of Christianity claim that the existence of the same sex marriage should be restricted in order to diminish damage to the Holy Bible pillars. This claim is supported with the view that the marriage is approved by the God while the Holy Bible does not have any reference to the same sex marriage. Besides, there is a strong oppression to this view because of the legal right of any person to have follow any religious beliefs that do not perpetuate the rights and freedoms of the other people. The most crucial argument that is still widely discussed between the representatives of social groups in the United States implies that this form of the marriage will affect directly the mental health of the children. This assumption is reasonable as it is still hard to explain the relations between men and women as the members of the same-sex couple to the children. In this respect, it is highly recommended to define instruments that will allow to provide children with reasonable explanations of such developments in the family. Consequently, several people are concerned with the fact that the institution of the marriage will be removed in its essence. Although, it is necessary to state that this institution has been already created and the only task before the local executives is to ensure tits development in the health manner. From this perspective, the institution of the same sex marriage should not be subject of the interference of the religions institutions or government in full due to the necessary to provide the people with the instruments to have control over their lives ("The Top 10 Arguments Against Gay Marriage: All Receive Failing Grades!", 2013)
The analysis of the new institution of family relations as the same sex marriage has reaffirmed the availability of numerous challenges with the alleviation of the differences in views of the people of the United States in the acceptance of this development. The level of oppression to the same sex marriage is relatively high in the country, while the followers of this tendency should provide evidence to the rest of the members of the community that there are not strong evidences in oppression to this institution. In fact, it exercises certain influence over the flow of the relations between the Christianises and members of the other religious groups in the acceptance of the new family institution. Although, the people should keep in mind that we should protect the desire of all humans to have normal life and ensure achievement of their interests. Finally, the application of case study approach in this paper with the primary data collection evidenced on the advantages of these strategies in understanding the differences between the views of the people of the United States. It is hard to measure further development of the gay marriage in the United States due to the recent introduction of this notion to the society. At the same time, it is possible to claim that the government should interfere in order to supervise the flow of the relations between the members of the society with different views.
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Nussbaum, M. (2009). A Right to Marry? Same-sex Marriage and Constitutional Law. Retrieved 31 January 2017, from
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The Top 10 Arguments Against Gay Marriage: All Receive Failing Grades!. (2013). The Huffington Post. Retrieved 31 January 2017, from