Music is food to the soul, and as a facet of art it is a reflection of what the society is all about. The title of the song “Where is the Love” captures the attention of any music fanatic. It is based on real world issues with people living in a world where love does not exist. People only think of themselves while nations put measures on protecting themselves and not considering the welfare of other people (Gates 2001).
The song focuses on two categories of people who are affected in war. Women and children are particularly affected by war and other challenges that face the society. Global leaders are preaching peace which is ironical to their practices. It is a world where people live a hypocritical life preaching water and taking wine. Love cannot be a personal thing. When people love their race without putting into consideration the welfare of others, they promote hatred and enmity. The world is a global village that should not be divided on terms of race and skin color. Evil in the world can only be fought by uniting and loving each other forgetting about our racial and cultural differences (YouTube, 2013).
The song identifies hatred as the source of all evil. Hate is the driving force towards wars, terrorism and crime. Loving our races and forgetting about other people creates a for hate. What the world need is a message of love for all. Terror attacks such as the 9/11 have been associated with religious and cultural differences in the world. If we all appreciated each other and accepted our differences, the world would be a comfortable to live. The song where is the love will continue being used as a campaign song to bring the world together for a better and comfortable world. It is a message of love that the world needs to hear and internalize the words.
Work Cited
YouTube (2013). The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 25 Oct 2013].
Gates, J. T., & Music, S. (2001). Music education in the United States contemporary issues. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
Heintze, J. R. (2000). Reflections on American music the twentieth century and the new millennium : a collection of essays presented in honor of the College Music Society. Hillsdale, N.Y.: Pendragon Press.