Management is important in nowadays health care environment. Like any other organization, transparent management is essential in nursing to ensure rendering of services in the right manner. Several management styles are being used in nursing with some being more effective than others are.
Participative management style also referred to as democratic management, is one of the commonly used styles in nursing. It allows involvement of all the employees in every level of decision making. In return, the employee productivity and morale are boosted (Smith, 2015, p. 49). The employees own the decisions made and hence take their responsibilities and duties with seriousness because they feel part of the organization.
Consultative management is another commonly used style in nursing, where the leader seeks contribution from employees for ideas and opinions through sharing. This style inspires participation from everybody, although the manager makes the final decision. It builds staffs morale, makes the employees have a feeling that their views are addressed as well as decrease the amount of disruptive behavior and workplace bullying. Seeking for employees’ opinions and ideas aids the manager in making informed decisions. The manager has different alternatives raised by employees from which they make a decision (Abualrub & Alghamdi, 2011, p. 670). Transactional leadership gives instructions, expecting groups to comply. It is the top style used in an actual emergency; works well with nurses who have deprived performance and offers a clear course for fresh nursing graduates.
According to Frandsen (2014), authoritative leadership mobilizes employees towards a vision and provides them an opportunity on how to attain the vision. It is effective when a perfect direction is needed and also enables people to understand what they do for their leader’s matters. Coaching leadership focuses on developing people for the future and enables them to deliver results for the long term. It also helps workers develop professionally and personally. It is efficient for manager managing nurses in practice. At one point, some managers lead with a dictatorial style (Zampieron et al., 2012, p. 525). Dictatorship style is where the manager makes the decision and expects the subordinates to follow it to the letter. There is no participation of the employees. It is effective when a well-developed strategy is available, and changes would lead to disastrous failure.
Leadership entails integrity. My leadership philosophy is to provide the best to guarantee compassionate, quality and safe patient care in a financially and efficient responsible manner. I will do this while continuing being accountable for workers satisfaction and work-life stability. I will also do this by evaluation of outcomes and processes, employee communication and response. I will as well listen and learn, as I grow different leaders through the contribution of staff at all stages, care for and respect each other. I will instill a philosophy where employees can take care for themselves, their patients and their co-workers.
Nursing students qualify for the loan, a repayment program that aids them in the payment of their students’ loans through providing loans forgiveness reimbursement. Some of the programs in North California are the NURSE Corps, Perkins loan discharge, and the public service loan repayment programs Wear and tear on floor nurses body is as a result of extended working schedules. Floor nurses are affected by musculoskeletal injuries. It is characterized by pain in the affected part of the body such as neck and back for a period alongside other symptoms like tingling and numbness. A majority of nurses work twelve or more hours per day. Due to the working conditions of floor nurses, they are vulnerable to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis B virus, AIDS and other infectious diseases emanating from waste materials.
Abualrub, R., & Alghamdi, M. (2011). The impact of leadership styles on nurses’ satisfaction and intention to stay among Saudi nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(5), 668 -678.
Frandsen, B. (2014). "Nursing Leadership Management & Leadership Styles. Aanac.Org..Retrieved 14 April 2016, from . management-leadership-styles.pdf?sfvrsn=4.
Smith, C. (2015). Exemplary leadership. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 46(3), 47-51. doi:10.1097/01.numa.0000456659.17651.c0
Zampieron, A., Spanio, D., Bernardi, P., Milan, R., & Buja, A. (2012). Nurse Managers’ preferred and perceived leadership styles: a study at an Italian hospital. Journal Of Nursing Management, 21(3), 521-528.