1. Some core values are important to raising emotionally healthy children. Everything comes from the idea that people love their children because they love themselves, and the children are the result of love between parents. Children point out people’s strengths and weaknesses but people want to make children to be a better version of themselves. (Holden, G., 2009) The secret of happiness is very simple. Parents should leave alone the development of their children, not to force them to do what parents want. People should live a normal life with a lot of music, travels, beautiful places, interesting people and great food. Thus, children will consider example of their parents and will follow their example.
2. The reading confirmed my thoughts about parenting. George Holden (2009) mentioned that a child is the result of interaction between parents and parent’s behavior cause the behavior of a child. (Holden, G., 2009) There are studies that prove the connection between parenting style and outcomes in children, the outcomes depend on the activity of parents and can be improved. It is a new idea for me that children of authoritative parents are more competent, children of authoritarian parents are less dependent, and children of permissive parents are neither independent neither achievement oriented. (Holden, G., 2009) In other words, George Holden (2009) provided a deep research and proved that parenting really matters and parents should take of their behavior because it directly impacts their children’s behavior.
3. The next idea is that the traditional model of parenting has changed significantly and adoption, persons who identify as LGBT, mental illness impact raising children and can cause stress/distress for a child. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully protect children from stress because stress state already occurs during difficult periods of life. All parents can do is communicate with children and love them because love makes wonders. Parents should give their love and knowledge to children and love children even if they do not respond their expectations. (Holden, G., 2009) The main idea is that people have already given a life to their child and a child needs love and happiness.
Holden, G. (2009). Parenting : A Dynamic Perspective. SAGE Publications, Inc.