How does your total carbon footprint compare to similar US households?
My Carbon Footprint 42.7% worse than the average single person household. My total Carbon Footprint is 39.2 ton CO2 per year.
How does your total carbon footprint compare to average US households?
My Carbon Print is less than the average U.S. single person household.
Why do you think your total is higher/lower/the same as average US households?
I think my footprint is lower than the average U.S. single person household because I have less transportation, and spending on goods.
How does your total carbon footprint compare to world average households?
My carbon footprint is almost 4 times the worlds’ single person household.
Why is the world average household number lower than the average US household number?
The United States uses and consumes a lot of fuel, for transportation and producing products to send to other places for sale.
How do your transportation, housing and shopping footprints compare to average US households and world average households?
My transportation, housing, and shopping footprints are lower than the average single person home in the United States. I do less shopping, and traveling than most people.
Were you surprised by how many factors went into the calculation?
Yes I was surprised at the factors that were needed calculated to find an individual’s carbon footprint.
Were there any factors you did not expect to have contributed to your calculation? Which ones?
I was surprised that shopping was figured into the calculation. I did not realize how much effect that has on carbon footprints.
Are there any factors whose contributions to GHG emissions are unclear?
No the factors are clear about what factors contribute to greenhouse gases emission.
Do you think you could reduce your emissions by half?
Yes I think I could do that.
How close would you be to the world average if you did this?
I would be closer to the world average than what I am now. I would be approximately 20 ton CO2.
What pledges did you make to reduce your emissions by 50%?
The pledges I made to reduce emissions by 50% are as follows:
I would carpool to work, telecommute to work, ride my bike, eat a low carbon diet, power management of computers, reduce your waste, line dry clothing, take public transportation, turn down thermostat in the winter, maintain vehicles, print double sided, use rechargeable batteries, turn off lights, and go organic.
Briefly describe how each of your pledges reduces emissions. For example, if you pledged to “Go Organic,” how does what kind of food you buy impact GHG emissions? (Hint: if you click on the pledge you get a summary of how that action impacts GHG emissions).
When people carpool to work it reduces the emissions by leaving my vehicle at home, and riding with someone else. I am not using fuel or releasing any carbon in the atmosphere. If more people carpooled there would be less carbon footprint. Riding my bike, public transport, and telecommuting also eliminates emissions became no fuel is being used to travel back and forth. A low carbon diet reduces emissions from natural food, and no chemicals being put into it or in the air. This also helps when eating organic.
Power management of computers will allow the computer to sleep at night and will reduce the power that is needed to keep it on. This saves on electricity which helps reduce emissions. Waste reduction and recycling will help put material back into circulation and less trees, metal, iron, copper, and aluminum will need to be produced. This saves on production, and shipment of products that are using fuel for transport. It helps to print on double sides of paper which results in few trees needing to be cut down to make paper. Saving on paper and recycling helps in the reduction of emission process. Using rechargeable batteries reduces emission because less materials needed to make batteries, and less batteries will be sold if people can recharge them. Turning the lights out will save on electricity and reduce carbon footprint. Maintain vehicles helps eliminate carbon and other gases being put into the atmosphere from raising the carbon footprint.