The paper focuses on the hypothetical scenario where I get to be God. In that scenario, I have the ability to recreate all of the universe’s existence in my way. In formulating this new reality, I will use creation philosophy principles and my creative philosophical improvised ideas. As the Supreme Being, God, I would ensure there is a balance of nature and all life. There would be freewill for the humans to provide minimum interference with the human’s intelligence. Cause and effect would also be applied to ensure natural feedback for all actions. By using cause and effect, principles of Karma and natural order would balance actions of the human being and interaction with other environmental elements.
The check and balances instituted by nature would combine with basic rules for guiding a peaceful co-existence in life. In this way, ethical living would guide and ensure right and wrong is interpreted appropriately. It would be important for me to be worshiped to maintain a mysterious and mythical fear, inducing civilized life. Concealment of the truth and its inaccessibility would set in confusion; thus, displaying my mysterious nature. The rule of law would play an integral part in maintaining order (Baggini, Julian, and Fosl 53). My spiritual substance would instill respect among my subjects.
Scriptures and Universal Mystery
The introduction of scriptures that brings in mysterious ideologies like the existence of heaven would keep loyalty in humans. As an artisan of the universe, I would create an antagonist who would compete with me and hold my subjects in a circus of fear and justified confusion. At a broad level, it would be an intelligent design of universe in a perfect way as some religious of the world portrays. Christians theologically believe in scriptures that affirm to the idea that this universe has both beginning and an end in that. Whoever enters by birth, departs from it immortally by death. Hence, humans, in particular, would co-ordinate with the structure of the creation in general. Creation can subsequently serve the aim of salvation because it has two distinctive levels of forms facilitating the soul to make a choice by freewill.
The requirement of this ability demands the intelligence capability of the human, an essential part the artisan of the universe should consider giving. The cause of sin is within the soul. The soul would not be there at all, and even in this created form, it does not possess its being. It can weaken without the participation of its creator; thus, sin is entirely responsible for such weakness. For the sin is the sole cause of evil, not a rebellion of character. As we have seen in Christian’s holy scriptures, in the speech of our Father, the Creator himself is the ultimate good God and divine. His Holiness leaves no room for any doubts as a chance for criticism a gesture well calculated to counter any contradictions may arise from the doctrines. There should be fundamental questioning of the need for a deferent nature of artisan of creation.
We should put into consideration that the universe creation should be designed from the divine wisdom that is unquestionable and perfect in nature. With that, the power that holds all the diversity of universe is central to one control. This is God, who has all in his possession, the constituents of the universe (Baggini, Julian, and Fosl 31). Moreover, biblical warrants the doctrine of creation in a puzzling manner by stating God created the heavens and the earth, which raises the question, as to how many the heavens could be in an infinite number. This amounts to an incomprehensible concept to human limiting resistance and challenging of authority.
In contemplation of Gods supreme opinion of his creatures, mostly human, God creates a relationship with him (John 45). The implication is that his soul is of more value as compared to other beings. Ideally, he designs the soul existing way before the body to which it was assigned as a way of paying for the sin committed in executions of cause and effect. On the contrary, the body suffers the consequences on behalf of the soul which bears the burden of responsibility regarding making the free will. The body should not imprison the soul, but be a partner in good faith. Human in creation, portrays the image of God which links him with the human.
Introduction of Collective Humanity Punishment
Making God sacred over other creatures and whose blood should not be shed let alone being burnt for these amounts to harming one of his divine kinds. Human’s whole race pays for the sin Adam committed when he was expelled from paradise, which mainly human would have stayed immortal. Human dual nature in body and soul dictates dual means of perceptions in both physical and spiritual form. In respect to this, the human can make the efficient choice between the two levels of form to which his nature correspond to existentially. The body, during the resurrection, would take all the credit unlike the soul and spirit which they would have been together all the way together.
The imperfection of every man’s act conscience never leaves. It is mostly engraved on the human heart and commissioned by human’s free will of the soul. Additionally, being a creator, I would ensure I retain the element of being omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. All the rest of reality would be a base of transcends rational facts. Such would not make me irrational but would drive me to be supra-rational. The world is not something to be governed as a steward under a democratic and lenient God but penal, outraged, punishing and rewarding God. Appropriate feedback response would accompany every action in the spirit of the rule of law. This is precisely why, if the human decides to destroy the environment, nature is not a divine manifestation of sacred world. It can retaliate harshly through natural selection. Alongside that, the body is termed as the temple of the Lord being holy. It is like the equivalent of the tabernacle of him on the expense of the soul that is mandated to make decisions in the first place.
Limited Free Will
Humans are the ones I would put as part custodians of the rest of creation in the assignment of duty. Since they are intelligence enough not to permit the destruction, they would have to tolerate other superior animals. The control is based on nature for fear of consequences. Heavenly beings, I would put them rational with free will but their goodness accidental not essential. They would possess the same and equal qualities and by their will, they would upgrade or degrade their degrees. The ones that defile their souls and fail to make them my dwelling would suffer arbitrary judgment. They would deprive their souls of what is of worth and rob themselves what they already possess and become as nothing. The Souls would be the incorporeal and visible image, of the real world and body the vessel that constitutes the soul. If humans repented, after realizing the image of Satan, the antagonist, has been made through sin, they would avoid such fate.
Removal of Spiritual intermediaries
The holy trinity doctrine that denotes me as threefold in distinct forms would not apply in my operations as God. Rather, I would give humans direct communications to me without having to use the other God the son to access me. In that way, I would be able to interact directly with humans so as to instill more faith to my subjects on me. I would also be visible on sight so that even the young can believe and understand me better, without relying on elders guidance, and also, the less privileged to accesses the gospel find the chance to believe. Provision of truth on faith would be limited so as to sustain search and thirst of my spiritual destiny attainment. Wonder and mystery would provide the psychological suspension of self-righteousness and attain intellectual superiority as God.
In recreating existence, I would, as God, restructure the creation of the universe in human socialization to reduce the diversity extremely (Baggini, Julian, and Fosl 34). Bridging racial and the ethnic gap would secure establishment of a higher competitive human development as people believe in higher equity and equality. However, would not inert fear with the natural order to ensure controlled progress. Occasionally, I would make the physical appearance to let every human know exactly my personalities attributes were like.
My guidelines would be taught to them, and kept all along in perfect knowledge so as to disallow misunderstanding, secondary explanations and possible disagreements to arise. It would be understood by all that mortality of human is due to my discretion in totality by natural death. Neither regrets nor fear would beget my people if they understood this. The beauty of all creation would be appreciated by all the humans in praise of my artistic nature by their power I would invest in them of procreation of their descendants. Conflict of human and other beings would never occur. Not even with nature or other creatures of my art. Natural resources would never be scarce rather plenty to meet human demands.
Works Cited
Baggini, Julian, and Peter S Fosl. The Philosopher's Toolkit. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2003. Print.
Marmysz, John. The Path of Philosophy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.