Machine Intelligence is a new field of interest that has garnered massive popularity among everybody in the recent past and this has more significance in the wake of Google’s new introduction of a driver-less car that works on the principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has got all legal green signals in three states of the United States. There are a plethora of other advancements in the field of AI that have led to the introduction of robots that help humans in almost all of their chores ranging from driving a car to performing surgeries. Regardless of their immense popularity, machine intelligence is surrounded by a host of ethical issues that are yet to be answered. This paper is a proposal that tries to assess this ethical issue from various viewpoints and finally trying to ascertain the benefits of machine intelligence by weighing the pros and cons of the topic.
Processes that are based on AI typically use AI algorithms which defined the series or sequence of steps that a machine is supposed to follow in order to accomplish a task. AI algorithms play an excessively pivotal role in today’s contemporary human society, although we don’t find them being explicitly called as “AI.” Machines that function using AI algorithms might be emerging incessantly and eventually turn out to be more and more significant in the development of new and more advanced AI algorithms which apart from being powerful are also scalable. While these two components are important, transparency in terms of inspection is also another important characteristic that the developers of AI algorithms need to focus upon as this will help answer a number of ethical questions.
As part of the research that needs to be done for this paper, the author would review a wide range of resources ranging from books on AI ethics to peer-reviewed journals, a preliminary list of which is already submitted with this proposal in the references section.
Bostorm, N. (2011). The Ethcis of Artifical Intelligence. In W. R. Frankish, Cambriddge Handbook of Artificial Intellligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
LaChat, M. R. (1986). Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: An Exercise in the Moral Imagination. AI Magazine, 70-79. Retrieved August 19, 2016, from
Mizroch, A. (2015, December 03). Artificial Intelligence Ethics a New Focus at Cambridge University. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved August 19, 2016, from