What is data mining?
Data mining is the evaluation of large data sets to discover patterns. The process involves the intersection of statistics, database systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
What is micro-targeting?
Micro targeting is campaigning strategy, which borrows from marketing, which utilizes voter information and demographics to recognize and identify the particular interests in an election campaign. The aim is to get groupings of like-minded individuals and influence their responses and actions.
How is data collected?
The campaign organizers build a big list of supporters through e-mail acquisition or through getting people to sign up as volunteers.
How is data used?
The information from email leads to an avenue where the campaign team asks people to sign up and contribute to the Ready for Hillary campaign. As supporters start by giving low dollar donations, the system automatically walks them up the ladder of engagement.
Who is doing the data mining and/or micro-targeting?
The people behind data mining are a group of twenty professional individuals who could analyze large data.
What is the intended effect of data mining and/or micro-targeting?
The expected effect of data mining and micro-targeting is to identify loyal voters and utilize their support to convert more. The twenty experts understood that the larger the collected data, the greater the absolute supporters of the Ready for Hillary.
Works Cited
Issenberg, Sasha. Meet the 21st-Century Political Alchemist Who’s Been Data-Mining for Hillary for the Past Two Years. 2016. 30 August 2016 <http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/features/2015-04-15/meet-the-21st-century-political-alchemist-who-s-been-data-mining-for-hillary-for-the-past-two-years>.