Hello, Klarika, I generally liked the topic you would like to cover. I see that you, as a future attorney, are going to talk about the ethical behavior of the police which became a really important topic to discuss nowadays. However, I believe that this question will be very hard to justify and describe from a reasonable perspective. Police ethics is a controversial topic nowadays. If you want to discuss it you will need to have a lot of facts that prove that the problem exists (and we definitely know that it does).What is more, you will need to provide possible solutions to the issue. The question of ethics, as you have mentioned, is really fuzzy. You provided rules in criminal law as an example. However, rules are something clearly defined and this will not work with ethics. Though, I'm looking forward to see the results of your investigation.
Hello, Gabriela, I will start off with the second topic you would like to discuss first. You mentioned that you would like to get to know how to chose a right employee. I'm quite sure that there are a lot of literature that will help you to become sure that you know whom to choose. Still, you will never know and be sure how a person will behave in this or that situation. Even if the person is your friend. However, I like your first topic. Sexual harassment in the workplace is something that needs to be solved in the first place. You never know who can become a victim of it. Both employers and employees are in danger. It should not be ignored. I am glad that you choose this topic in order to help the people to know more about the issue. I hope you will find a discreet way out.