Information Technology continues to play a significant role in the development of major sectors across the globe. Several organizations have integrated technology into their overall strategy to enable them to achieve their objectives. Experts contend that technology has made the world to become a global village where one can perform an activity from any part of the world just from the click of a mouse (Dumas, Ter Hofstede, 2001). The education department has not been left behind in this revolution as several institutions across the globe have deployed Information Technology (IT) systems to improve their operational experience as well as help them in decision making. In this paper, we shall analyze and create an activity diagram for WestEast College.
WestEast College Activity Diagram
An activity diagram is a unified modeling language (UML) tool that is used to capture the flow of operations from one operation to the next. The flow control is drawn from one activity to another activity (Dumas, Ter Hofstede, 2001). It is imperative to identify the activities, associations, conditions and constraints before we set out to draw the activity diagrams.
Degrees must be passed within 5 years, no switching of majors more than twice
Passage of assessment test in the major a must in order to graduate
Activity Diagram
Source: Author (2017)
The figure above is an activity diagram for the course registration system at WestEast College. The process begins by students sending their details to the college. Once the college receives and reviews the application, the prospective students submit additional details such as transcripts, financial documents, proof of language proficiency, etc. The system checks if the students have met the minimum requirements for admission. If the student is admitted, they are subjected to a placement test for Math and English. Those who have successfully passed the placement test are assigned general education test while those who have failed the test are assigned intensive classes in the particular subjects they have failed. The condition for progressing to the next class is that the student must score C and above. The system will check if this condition has been met and automatically promote the student to the next class. Students who have scored below C would expected to repeat that class.
Moreover, students are required to maintain a 2.00 GPA during their four-year course or else they are subjected to probation for two quarters. Students would be eligible for dismissal if they drop below the benchmark of 2.00 GPA in a semester. Conditions in the model are represented using the diamond shapes and are used to test for a condition which must be met before flow control is moved to the next stage. For example, for the student to be assigned the general education test, they must have successfully passed the placement test. In such a situation, the system will test to see if the precondition has been satisfied before the user can be allowed to proceed to the next phase.
Dumas, M., & Ter Hofstede, A. H. (2001, October). UML activity diagrams as a workflow specification language. In International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (pp. 76-90). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.