One’s class is determined by many things. Income has an impact on an individual’s class, but economic assets also play a role. The neighborhood wherein one lives is also a part of class. For example, if the neighborhood has a high crime rate, is near a highly polluted area, is adjacent to a low-funded school, thus turning out poorly educated individuals, or offers low-employment, one’s class is likely to be considered low. In contrast, if an individual lives in a gated community adjacent to good schools, with grocery stores that offer expensive, organically grown food, and well-paying jobs, they are likely to be considered high class. Moreover, if an individual owns their home, has a good education, and speaks in a certain manner, they may have an easier time moving from one class to another, even if they are considered to be in one class.
There are four classes, which are called the lower class, the working class, the middle class, and the upper class. It is arguable that the middle class is disappearing, however, creating two extra classes called the upper-middle class and the lower-middle class, which will eventually be forced into the upper class, or the working and lower classes.
Fifteen to twenty percent of the population is in the lower class, while an estimated thirty percent reside in the working class. Half the population is estimated to be in the middle class, though these calculations are again up for debate depending on one’s stance on the middle class itself. Finally, one to five percent of the population fluctuates in and out of the upper class.
Based on the calculations, America is a middle class society, technically. However, because Middle America is dwindling and the class seems to effectively be splitting in two, it could arguably be called a working class society.
Expertly Written Essay On America is a middle class society To Follow
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Class, Middle Class, Working, Population, Classes, Working Class, Individual, Upper Class
Pages: 1
Words: 300
Published: 03/30/2023
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