Further experiment is devoted to an adjustable air damper coefficient measurement. To calculate this coefficient, a flexible air damper is used in the experiment. Three integrative components of the experiments were applied: Lab View, air damper, and the potentiometer. First, test focuses on the equation ratio between the position and the voltage (d = -0.3504 V + 1.8397). Further, the experiment considers velocity measurement with the help of different weights. The main statement of the experiment is that the Damping factor Value is 2.8111lb*s Inch2. Based on this value, further experiment is conducted. This value means a constant nature of the damper in the air.
The main aim of the experiment is to get the shift by calibrating the potentiometer voltage. Thus, students will be able to calculate the displacement, following the equation,
Results and Discussion
Let us consider the calibration plot of a potentiometer represented by the following figure. The majority of points are below the line of best correspondence with no evident deviations from the values. Nevertheless, one can hardly notice the fifth calibration point. This erroneous fact one can explain by student’s inaccurate hold of the fifth increment. At the same time, the figure shows that the learner could achieve the transmission calibration function.
Figure 2 represents a plot of position vs. voltage. We can see that both the voltage value and position cross the best fit line, which performs the transmission calibration function.
The best fit line stands for the tuning calibration transmission function. This function conveys the voltage rate to the position.
Figure 3 reflects both the overlaid distance and six weights graph. There is a common tendency for the lines to move linearly. Their linear nature leads them to such a direction. Actually, not all the weights moved in a linear direction. We can clarify the error by the fact of friction influencing the weights, which we can see during the test stand. It is possible to solve this problem if to adjust the air damper or apply more lubricants.
Figure 3 shows overlap of position charts versus time. The diagram shows that the lighter weight leads to a longer arrival at the final destination.
Figure 4 illustrates the ratio between speed and force based on the values shown in the Table 1. The coefficient damping value 2.8111 lb*s Inch2. It is possible to explain value deviations by the friction generated by the set stand in the process of velocity measurement. Nevertheless, the value confirms the previous point and underlines that the damper is ideal. The last error is attributed to the position of the fifth increase as shown by the potentiometer calibrations.
Figure 4. Graph of velocity versus force
Tests conducted in this experiment proved its initial statement and refer to its primary goal. The experiment intended to calculate the damping coefficient. The initial value of the coefficient was 2.8111lb*s Inch2. Further, the experiment intends to show a constant nature of the damper in the air. Tastings conducted in the process of this experiment, prove this conclusion. To reach the results of the experiment, the calculation of the velocity gradient versus graph of force were applied. The students equally used the acquaintance of Lab VIEW to obtain the values of the potentiometer. Moreover, the students made a calibration related to the potentiometer. Thus, the experiment process was reached through the establishing of a relationship between different yield voltage under different position inputs.