1. Are the main effects of Sex and Environment and their interaction statistically significant?
2. How much variance is accounted for by the statistically significant effects?
For the environment, the statistically significant effects account for the statistically significant effects account for a variance of 0.391 while for the interaction effect a variance of 0.281.
3. Would a researcher be interested in the main effects, if interaction effect is statistically significant? Explain.
A researcher would not be interested in the main effect if the interaction effect is not statistically significant. This is mainly because if the interaction effect is not statistically significant then using the main effect would lead to incorrect interpretation of results.
4. What would be the proper follow-up tests for a statistically significant interaction effect?
The most proper follow-up tests for a statistically significant interaction effect is a one-way ANOVA. In this case, two tests would be adequate for both genders with the environment factor as the independent variable.
5. What is the substantive conclusion in this research?
6. Write a Results section for this study.
Estimated Marginal Means
2. Environment
3. Gender
Post Hoc Tests
Profile Plots
Gerber, S. B., Finn, K. V., & Finn, K. V. (2005). Using SPSS for Windows: Data analysis and graphics. New York: Springer.
Pallant, J. (2010). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS. Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill.
Yockey, R. D. (2008). SPSS demystified: A step-by-step guide to successful data analysis. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.