With respect to the You Tube clip, what is the “nature of expectation” being discussed in the video? What are some of the misconceptions that are highlighted? What are the implications of such misconceptions?
The You Tube Video is a clear show of the misconceptions that the society in general harbors about the physically disadvantaged individuals. Like Cashan, I think the first misconception highlighted about the plight of disabled people is their dependency. The second misconception that I noticed, the society places on disabled people, is that physically disadvantaged people have a sexual life crisis. Meaning, they are unable to fulfill their sexual desires. The third misconception that I have seen in this particular clip is that they are different in terms of work related issues. In this world, a person must earn some income to survive. However, from the clip, it can be noted that it is very difficult for a person who is physically disadvantaged to get any form of employment.
Think about your own experiences with individuals who live with disability. How do your expectations for and about these individuals align with those discussed in the video? What are your motives for taking action? What could you do differently to help empower a positive life for these individuals?
I have not had much interaction with physically disadvantaged people. But I have had few experiences. My first reaction is always to help where possible. My reactions are aligned with the reactions in the video clip. All our motives are usually so because we feel sorry for them. I would advise all of us who interact with physically disadvantaged people not to treat them differently but to help where possible.
The practical element of this tutorial is the “Out and About” challenge. Refer to the presentation for instructions. Once you’ve been able to complete the challenge successfully, share your experiences with your tutorial group.
The task was challenging. Plans had to be made beforehand. Boarding a bus was a need, yet very challenging. Getting into lifts was also a big challenge. Since I use public transport, without any assistance, I was very unsafe and could not go anywhere. I learned the art of patience and planning beforehand.
Disability, the Truth [Video file]. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ4JOomkyNI
McCartney. The Truth about Disability Assessments (August 8th 2012). General practitioner, Glasgow