The lecture is about family values and culture in the successful adjustments of ethnic minority adolescents. The speaker at the lecture was Dr. Ana Marl Cauce, the Executive vice Provost and Professor of Psychology in University of Washington. During this fascinating lecture, I was able to grasp the following.
The Importance of parenting as it is one of the key elements that influence the behavior and development of the adolescents. Understanding Adolescence, as a process focuses on many things such as rapid body change, cognitive development, and enhanced intelligence but with minimal wisdom. This will enable better understanding in the family context with the young teens.
The other central theme is that the transition towards independence to adulthood is always rough and unpredictable. Self direction is crucial for them to finally take have the passions for doing what they are skilful at. This requires the presence and support of close family ties for easier communication and integration.
The face of America is changing The Ethnic minority youth has over the past years and by 2020, there will no majority group in terms of 50% and above. This means that the environment the youths will experience will be more diverse and complex compared to the other decades. Culture and diversity will be integrated, and multicultural arenas become normal.
Again, the families are also changing and the rise of single parenthood has increased, and it varies by ethnicity. The African American youths lead the statistics as the most affected. Moreover, they lead in social economic poverty and the concentration of poverty. This shows the worst reality the African American family holds. What shapes their teen behaviors the juvenile delinquencies rates among them and its implications to the society?
There are three family dynamics that include closeness, conflict and control. Closeness amongst mothers and daughters is so vital and highly rated. Even though, they are in conflicts every time, their relationship is very emotional. Control in terms of authority between mothers and adolescents often results into conflicts. Mothers set some rules on other specific rules in the house, while the daughters’ decide other things. This shows that the rules are clear, and they get to systematic pick what they want to do.
As a preschool teacher, it implies that being one of the main contact with the children, instill moral values towards the children will be a key process in to molding them to better and responsible students in both the school and outside environment. With the ever increasing cultural diversity in the Nation, I will be able to ensure understanding about the multicultural integration among the various kids in the school. They will be able to understand the various cultures and aspects in their lives. This I feel will contribute to my knowledge and understanding on how to deal with diverse children and working in diverse environments.
Ethnic Minority Adolescents, Part 1. Retrieved. 05, 23, 2012