1. Website
The website Healthy Place gives a greater insight on the relationship between father and son in the article “The Connection between Father and Son”. The main purpose of the article is to remind fathers that they can use crisis situation as an opportunity to get close to their son. The page has quoted an example of Sean and his father relationship where the two have built a close tie as a result of a crisis (Healthy Place). Besides the said article on website of Healthy Place, all other articles and information on the parenting community are important to gather useful materials for my research.
2. Magazine
Healthy Magazine in their article on ‘The Father–Son Relationship’ has argued that being a good father requires commitment and hard work. Moreover, the sons who do not have good relationship with their fathers usually find themselves to have poor relationship with their sons. To support this argument, the article have highlighted five primary fathering styles that include mentor/ compassionate father, absent father, passive father, time bomb and super achiever where the main purpose was to make one find out which type of father he is and what he should do to have good relationship with their son. Finally, the article ends up with the fact that for fathers it is never late to approach their son and love him. Moreover, in saving the father and son relationship, the fathers must admit their mistakes and tell them that their son means a lot to them and they won’t repeat the same mistakes that were borne by them from their father. Thus, the article aims to bring positive impact on the father and son relationship that supports my research for recommendations (Healthy Magazine).
3. Peer reviewed scholarly article
In a scholarly article “Enhancing adolescent health behaviors through strengthening non-resident father–son relationships: a model for intervention with African-American families, the authors Cleopatra Howard Caldwell, Joan C. Wright, Marc A. Zimmerman, Katrina M. Walsemann, Deborah Williams and Patrick A. C. Isichei have provided a rationale for and description of the components of theoretical based conceptual model. The model is helpful to guide the implementation and development of father and son relationship programs (Caldwell, et. al.). The model is central to my research as it will help me to analyze my variables on the basis of the framework discussed in this article. The use of the model will also increase my research value.
4. Newspaper
Stephen Bayleyin his article “Father's Day: Why the father-son relationship needs a bigger word than 'love'” in Telegraph is basically a critic that is reflected by the author’s list of wishes to his father touched with regret and gratitude. The article started with a question by the author’s friend whether he loves his father which has dropped him to think the past father and son relationship. Stephen’s father was more interest in work and his own life rather than giving time to his son. The regretting of son to his father for his interest only in gaining superior work position with best machines has made him feel gratitude. Moreover, Stephen’s amused affection, with a slight residual annoyance on few nagging matters has made him feel what he feel about his father. Thus, this article will support my research in analyzing the sociological problem occurring between father and son in new generation (Stephen Bayleyin).
Works Cited
Bayleyin, Stephen. “Father's Day: Why the father-son relationship needs a bigger word than 'love'”. 14 June 2014. Web. 17 October 2014.
Healthy Place. “The Connection between Father and Son”. 2008. Web. 17 October 2014.
Caldwell, Cleopatra, et. al. ‘Enhancing adolescent health behaviors through strengthening non-resident father–son relationships: a model for intervention with African-American families’. Health Education Research, 19 (6), pp 644–656
Healthy Magazine. “THE FATHER–SON RELATIONSHIP”. 26 July 2012. Web. 17 October 2014.