List Fawcett's steps for analyzing and evaluating a nursing model as well as the steps used to analyze and evaluate a nursing theory
Fawcett's steps for analyzing and evaluating a nursing model are listed as follows. Those steps are listed as analysis and evaluation steps which include the Analysis steps under which there are; Step 1: origins the nursing models, Step 2; unique focus of the nursing model, Step 3; content of the nursing model. As regards to the evaluation steps, we have those steps as; Step 1: Explication of Origins, Step 2: Comprehensiveness of content, Step 3: logical Congruence, Step 4: Generation of theory, Step 5: Credibility of the Nursing model (this is subdivided into the social utility, social congruence and social significance), and Step 6: Contributions of the Discipline of Nursing. Analysis Step 1: Origin of the Nursing Model is the first step of the analysis of the nursing models which entails the historical evolution of the nursing model, the author's motivation for developing the model, the author's philosophic claims as regards to the model, and the influence of the model on the author
Thinking and lastly, the world view of the reflected model. The development of the model based on the listed factors is more of the intellectual work. The model is always been reviewed and updated. It some also reflect some level of philosophical orientation as it relates to the authors' educational experience. In terms of the step 2: the unique focus of the nursing model shows that there is a need to always be concerned with models of different problems because of the fact that there could be a problem related to nurse-patient and person-environment interactions. It is also concerned with the occurrence of different actual and potential status. It also considered factors influencing development of problems or deviation. The steps have an important questions relating to 'What is the unique focus of the nursing model?
Analysis step 3: Content of the nursing model is all about how the content of the model is being presented such as abstract, propositions and general concepts. Most of the authors of nursing model are yet to present their models in an explicit statement thus making the model to be accomplished by categorizing the model into forms which are more like personal, the environment, health and nursing. Several questions were also asked relating to the content. These relates to how definition of person, environment, health and nursing is being achieved. Other questions are related to the goal of nursing, and the description of nursing practice. Evaluation steps are the Explication of origins, comprehensiveness of content, logical congruence, and generation of theory, credibility and contribution of to discipline of nursing.
Evaluation step 1: Explication of Origins. It involves identification of author's beliefs and valus and how it relates to the philosophical foundation which is the basis of the model. It also highlight important points as it relates to nursing model. The important questions as regards to evaluating the model are the philosophical claims of the model and scholars who influenced the model. Evaluating Step 2: Comprehensiveness of content. States that nursing model is all about concepts and not preposition. The major questions relating to the depth of content of a nursing model include; does the model provide description for the concepts and does the relational propositions fully linked the model.
Evaluation Step 3: Logical congruence is the third step evaluated through an intellectual process. It is important once there is a multiple world view of the nursing knowledge. Such viewpoints can then be merged. Evaluation Step 4: Generation of theory is all about the need for logical concept and empirical system of nursing knowledge. Evaluation Step 5: Credibility of the nursing model is all about ensuring danger are avoided while credibility determination will help to support or refute the created model.
Fawcett, J. (2000). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary nursing knowledge: Nursing models and theories. Chapter 3. pg 63-69. F.A. Davis company. Philadelphia.