State the type of emergency responder you selected.
The type emergency respondent is fire and rescue service, whose respondent is mostly kwon as the firefighters. The fire fighter respondent deals with fire and rescue operations, as well as attending to other secondary emergency services (Brooks, Mellor, & Lyons, 2007).
Describe the emergency responder's duties.
The duties of a firefighter emergency respondent are physical and challenging. In the process of emergency, the firefighter is expected to prevent, and stop fire, as well as administer first aid to victims. In performing his/her duties, the emergency respondent understands that an emergency call could be expected at any time of the night or day, and must be attended to. Fire outbreak is unpredictable and spontaneous (Brooks, Mellor, & Lyons, 2007).
Therefore, the duties of firefighting respondent include:-
Promptly response to an emergency call,
Being a watch out manager to receive calls, alarms and monitor access to the emergency center.
Communicate at the scenes of emergency to ensure appropriate coordination of personnel and apparatus (International Association of Fire Chiefs, 2010).
Drive and position the apparatus within the emergency scene.
Connect apparatus and operate the pumping and supply of water in a suitable volume and pressure, as well as operating the hose extinguisher
Break doors and other emergency exit in the scene to facilitate easy entry and exit.
Search for victims, rescue and offer emergency medical aid.
Maintain apparatus and equipments after the emergency (International Association of Fire Chiefs, 2010)
Inspecting buildings to verify the presence of fire prevention equipment.
Duties of fire respondent demand dedication and strength to help the society. All this series of duties are mostly carried out as a group. Firefighters can sometimes be the victims of fire; hence, they are always trained to be careful.
Explain why this job is important to society.
Undoubtedly, this job is extremely valuable to the society. This is because it ensure public safety; by saving lives, rescuing property, as well as creating awareness in the community on the dangers, and preventive measures of fire.. Furthermore, the job is a profession nowadays, and has led to employment of many individual. The job too gives the personal experience and expertise to protect themselves in case of an emergency
Brooks, A., Mellor, J., & Lyons, S. (2007). The Firefighter. New York: Kinsington Press.
International Association of Fire Chiefs. (2010). Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills. London:
Jones & Bartlslet Press.