In this article, there was indeed an online email from the WikiLeaks website that claimed the 45th Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton insulted the outgoing First Lady of the United of America Michelle Obama. However, these false stories were proven to be inaccurate. The news would have hit the airwaves had it been true. But there was only one source of the news which is the WikiLeaks (LaCapria). The email suggested that the FLOTUS needed not be at the Democrats' event any further because it was the electorates who had the power to elect their new president.
Hilary Clinton is a respected figure in the politics and leadership of the United States. She portrays the high level of democracy that exists in the United States of America having emerged the second in the previous general elections held in the United States of America. Some news have gone ahead to claim that President-elect Donald J. Trump is an illegitimate president due to the issues of Russia meddling with the US polls. However, Clinton was quick to concede defeat and engage in issues of nation building.
Fact-Checking Trump’s Press Conference
The article clearly analyzes the remarks made by the President-Elect of the United States in his July conference. The president made several comments deemed to be inaccurate. Regarding labor, the President-elect claimed that there are 96million Americans in need of jobs. However, facts state that out of the 96million, only 5million need the job. The remaining people constitute the group of retirees and even students who are not essentially in desperate need of employment.
Work Cited
LaCapria, Kim. "FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Trash Michelle Obama In A Leaked E-Mail?". snopes. N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Jan. 2017.