Homework is a widely used tool by the educators for varying reasons. The paper collects the results of many scientific articles on the homework strategies and influence of the homework implementations on the success. The paper aims to gather all the information from the other papers as much as possible and present the findings in an order.
In traditional education setting, the homework application has an important place. However, it does not mean that the homework application is fully perfect. The paper analyzes many dimensions of the homework application.
Many education scientist have written papers on the homework applications. Because of their different reference points, each author finds varying results on the influence of the homework application on the success of the students. Some of the main findings of the studies are summarized in the paper as follows:
- The influence of homework application on the students’ success varies depending on the level of education. For instance, it has higher influence on the success on the high school level while no correlation found at the elementary school level.
- Some studies found that the time spent on the homework has a positive influence on the success. However, this influence depends on the level of education.
- The studies on the influence of the homework on the success are required to be gathered to understand the reality. Each study has a different setting; therefore, no one can claim that the homework application has certain results.
- The most important difference between studies is the measuring the influence of the homework application on the success.
- There exist many other factors influencing the influence of the homework application on the success. Thus, besides the main influential factors, the other factors such as gender, economic background of the family, parents’ education level etc. are to be taken into consideration.
- Many studies claim that there is an optimum point of homework amount to give the students. This optimum point is considered as important influence on the success.
The paper suggests organizing a study by assigning students into a classroom randomly and creating control variables. Therefore, we will be able to observe the behavior of the randomly picked students’ behaviors under different conditions. However, it is not easy to design a research like this. Because assigning students randomly is difficult. Firstly, some students will be excluded from the group and they will not have the opportunity to be in this study group. Secondly, the small control groups might give us inappropriate information; therefore, we might need a large sample size to get more efficient results.
The potential control factors in the group are as follows: 1) Students in different grades could be picked randomly. We can observe the differences between the students from different grades. 2) Students’ varying ability levels and genders might influence the behavior of the students. 3) The influence of the subject matter of the homework on the students’ behavior can be observed. 4) Non-achievement-related effects of homework can be observed. 5) The influence of the amount of homework on the students’ behavior could be observed. By using this factors, we can set a experimental research setting.
Consequently, by using a large randomly picked sample size and creating the control variables mentioned above, we can get better results from one research.
C, Harris, and Jorgianne. R, and Erika. P. (2006). Does Homework Improve Academic
Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003. Review of Educational Research, 76(1), PP 1-62.