Introduction and overview
It is important for everyone’s optimal health to receive the proper balance of foods each day. This balance is determined by many factors but none more important than the intake of energy and several different nutrients. The basic categories of the food required include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber and vitamins. The most significant determinant factor for this food intake is the amount of calorie intake. This is mainly because a number of chronic diseases and obesity are associated with increased cholesterol intake (Kliegman, 2016). Actually going through and counting and assessing my daily intake was a revelation for me. My assumptions were that I ate the right foods each day but there are some inconsistencies that need to be corrected. For example, when I compare my nutritional intake with the recommended requirement it, is imperative to note that, though my diet falls within the recommended range, my cholesterol intake appears to be exceeding the recommended intake.
Accessing nutrient intake
Basically, I ate from both the animal products (which provides complete proteins and the plant proteins (having incomplete) proteins. The reason for this balance is to ensure that the body is supplied with all the nutrients. The foods in my daily intake providing the proteins include chicken (Arroz con pollo), Buffet chicken, eggs, peanut and peanut butter. Out of these, the chicken, I ate provided complete protein, whereas the peanuts gave an incomplete amount of proteins. Some of the food did not contain any protein, and there are only three main foods that have proteins in them, Pillsbury Italian garlic w/herb, chicken,and peanuts. The chicken provides complete proteins, whereas the peanuts and the Pillsbury Italian Garlic had incomplete proteins. Carbohydrates from the sandwich, potato salad, white bread and rice. The lipid sources are the peanuts and the chicken.
Comparison between my daily intake and the required intake
The daily intake of proteins was196 grams, this intake is within the normal range- recommended daily requirement of between 306 to 441 grams. This means that I need to maintain this intake and just change the type of food so that I can source my carbohydrates from various products. The protein intake is 70 grams and the recommended intake is between 68-238 grams. This also shows that my intakes of proteins fall within the recommended range. With regards to lipids, there are some of my intakes that are within the normal range while others are not. Lipids from fat products fall within the normal range, the vitamin and lipids, however, are not in the normal range. The intake of vitamins appears to be below the expected range. For example, the recommended intake for vitamin D is 15 µg my intake shows that I consume only 1 µg of this vitamin. The amount of cholesterol that I ate also appears to be beyond the required range.
Effects of too little or excess micronutrient intake
An excessive or insufficient amount of the nutrients in the body is associated with adverse effects on health, especially in the form of chronic diseases (James & Laurentine, 2008). This is usually caused by the rising imbalance of diet caused by excessive or insufficient intake. For instance, excessive intake of carbohydrate may lead to obesity while insufficient intake may lead to marasmus. Inadequate carbohydrates may also lead to fatigue and weakness. In which case, insufficiency limits the ability of the body to recuperate itself, hence causing the body to fade away. Too much protein can also promote renal failure progression and at sometimes cancer. Insufficient protein will cause wasting of the muscle (Thygerson, 2013).
Adjustments to be made in my food intake
Some of the adjustments that I will have to make in my food intake are to increase the vitamin intake through eating more fruits and vegetables. I will also have to lower my fat intake so as to reduce the cholesterol intake. With proteins, I will have to find a variety of products which I can take so as to provide a good balance between the incomplete proteins and the complete proteins.
Fiber intake comparison
Fiber is a very important proponent of the nutrients in the food, especially for a healthy heart. Fiber also aids in digestion and helps enhance the skin upkeep. My fiber intake is generally very poor. I had zero intakes of both the soluble and the insoluble fiber. In future, I plan to have more of fruits and vegetables that provide the most of the fiber to the body.
Diet modifications
Everyone has fluctuations in their daily schedules that prohibit the correct amount of foods each day. Most adults do maintain a good weight over their lifetime it appears. I hope to be one of those people as opposed to people whose nutrition in not in balance and, therefore, suffer from obesity or underweight problems in their life. I never really recognized just how important it is to put down my daily food intake until I came to this class and followed through this assignment. I now understand just how significant nutrition is to my body and especially physical fitness. There are food products that I could increase my cholesterol intake and I intend to minimize on such. Many of the insights I receive regarding my daily food intake will help me make some well-informed choices and live a healthier life.
James C. and Laurentine T. Bosch. (2008). Food Matters. Australia: Permacology Studio
Thygerson, A. L., &Thygerson, S. M. (2013). Fit to be well: Essential concepts. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Kliegman, R., In Behrman, R. E., & Nelson, W. E. (2016). Nelson textbook of pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2016]