Different social groups have engaged in the debate about foreign workforce in America. Some groups support the issuing of visas to job seekers while other groups do not support. Groups that support the issuing of visas claim that foreign workforce contributes to economic growth by increasing the productivity of local enterprises. Groups that oppose the issuing of visas to foreigners who seek employment claim that the foreigners pose a threat to the workforce in America. Truly, some of the individuals who receive visas to work in America come to replicate the already available skills. However, some of them come with unique skills, which contribute, to economic growth for the country. Therefore, a dilemma presents itself regarding the benefits against the costs of allowing foreign workforce to come to America for employment. This paper focuses on the benefits against the cost of foreign workforce in America. The paper presents a case for foreign workforce in America.
The United States record the highest number of immigrants in the world. Most of the individuals who move into America come for studies. Others come to work for enterprises based in America. Foreign workers in America provide affordable labor for American based enterprises (SALZMAN ). They also work harder than local laborers because they intend to become residents in America. In this case, they work hard to maintain a good image of themselves. In most cases, foreign workers manage to present their competitive advantage as compared to domestic laborers. The competitive advantage of hiring guest workers lies in the affordability of their labor and their hard working nature.
Guest workers come in two ways. The first way involves the workers who have highly competent skills. These workers provide their skills to American organizations for a temporary period. The second way involves low-skilled workers (MacDonald). The high skilled workers include students who have studied through the American system and seek for employment in the United States. The other high skilled workers include individuals who possess high skills as technicians who seek visas to immigrate to the US.
According to Salzman, the nation has the capability to produce enough STEM-educated students. The nation has produced these students for a long time. Contrary to the belief by policymakers, the United States does not have a talent crisis in technology fields. This belief has contributed to debates in congress and has led to the ratification of policies, which allow guest workers into the nation. Studies have indicated that the supply of workers in the STEM market increases every year with new graduates joining the market (SALZMAN ). Companies like Apple have claimed that a shortage of engineering students exists in America. However, such companies do not present evidence that they searched for workers in America. The reason why Apple outsourced its services to China lies in the cost of production wages. Evidently, the process of outsourcing engineering functions has cheaper costs than having the same services performed in the United States. This proves that guest workers offer high skilled services at cheaper costs than American workers do.
The President’s council on Jobs and competitiveness claims that the nation faces a shortage in the supply of engineering graduates. Contrary to this, twenty five thousand engineering graduates enter the market every year. More so, companies such as Hewlett Packard manage to lay off workers during the shortage of workers. This indicates that the nation does not have a shortage of engineering graduates. Workers with an American origin offer services at high rates while guest workers offer similar services at affordable rates (SALZMAN ). For this reason, IBM cut down the American workforce by thirty percent. Today, the company seeks technical services from guest workers four times more than it seeks from American workers. These facts show that America does not have a STEM graduate’s shortage as suggested by some supporters of the debate. The truth lies in the cost of the labor. American workers offer technical services in STEM areas at higher rates than Guest workers do.
Individuals who oppose hiring of foreign workforce claim that guest workers steal jobs from American workers. This does not show the true situation. For a company to hire workers from other countries the company needs to prove to the department of labor that they cannot find adequate workers in America. The company also needs to provide job positions to American workers before seeking guest workers (Salzman, Daniel and B. Lindsay). Another requirement states that Local workers should hold the attractive job positions. Problems occur because guest workers become obligated to the employers that source them from other countries. For this reason, guest workers do not enjoy the provisions of a free labor market. The mobility of labor for such guest workers working in the United States has limitations. Hiring more guest workers on a temporary basis through the legal process has more benefits than hiring temporary workers illegally.
The high skilled guest workers who work on a temporary basis have higher advantages because they have higher social value than locals who have average skills. America has enough STEM graduates however, their skills do not compare to those of guest workers. The competitive advantage of guest workers lies in the fact that guest workers provide high skilled labor while American graduates provide average labor. In the McKinsey Global institutes report, it emerged that America has a shortage of High Skilled laborers. The shortage of high skilled laborers exists in a nation that has a high graduate rate. It may seem ironical that America has among the best institutions but has inadequate skilled workers. The report indicated that, a strain exists in the global labor market. The strain the report refers to indicates that institutions produce low-skilled graduates. The number of graduates and workers who possess low skills has reached a surplus of ninety five million (Kelley). The surplus of low skilled laborers creates a deficit of high skilled workers. The report further indicates that the by the year 2020 the enterprises and companies will feel the deficit of high skilled workers. The report indicates that the only solution to the deficit lies in training high skilled workers on a high scale. The report further indicates that failure to train high skilled workers will lead to a situation where low-skilled laborers end up jobless (Kelley). In that situation, a high number of opportunities will exist for high-skilled workers. However, very few workers will manage to occupy these positions. The report shows that America does not have a shortage of workers. Many graduates join the market from different institutions, but enterprises do not absorb them due to the level of skills. In order to continue providing quality services, organizations need to employ high-skilled workers. This forms the case for guest workers in the United States.
Looking at low skilled laborers, they come from East Asia and South America. Most of these individuals enter the nation through illegal means (MALAKOFF). Their entry into the nation may present a disadvantage not only for the local workers but also for the security of the nation. These individuals learn routes through which they can enter America and live without the authorities noticing their movement. When their plans to seek good jobs fail, these individuals may turn into illegal activities. They may do this because the security departments do not have details about them. Such individuals who get frustrated by lack of jobs may work for American enemies such as Terrorists. They will manage to sneak into America and perform illegal activities and leave without leaving their traces behind. This presents a case against guest workers (Flows, Capital.). The high number of illegal immigrant who comes to offer low-skilled labor in America poses a threat to the security of the Nation (Bailey, 250). It also presents America as a nation with porous borders. Illegal low skilled laborers pose a security threat to the Nation.
In support for low-skilled guest workers, the Nation continues to rely on their inexpensive services for economic growth. Low skilled guest workers offer services in fields where American workers dread working. For example, they offer restaurant and cleaning services. In these sectors a workers vacuum exists because the native society considers such jobs as odd jobs. The low skilled guest workers do not bear such perspectives regarding to these jobs (Furchtgott-Roth,). These workers understand that all tasks need someone to work on them. It also shows that guest workers offer services, which contribute to economic growth but lack willing enough employees. They bridge the gap between the rising sectors in restaurants and construction and the low job application rate. The economy needs these sectors to continue functioning efficiently.
Most low skilled guest employees provide their services at affordable prices. To them the affordable wages offered in America help them in maintaining decent lifestyles in a better way than the wages in their home countries (Furchtgott-Roth,). For this reason, low skilled laborers try to enter the United States through illegal means. They provide temporary illegal low skilled labor until the moment they manage to register legally. They stay illegally in the United States because they do not have a visa and legal identification. The issuing of visas for immigrant workers presents more benefits than having illegal low skilled workers. It makes it easier for the immigration system to maintain records (Rudolph, 137). Through registering the low skilled laborers, the government will recover much revenue, which comes from tax. Currently, the low skilled employees who have come illegally do not pay their taxes because they do not appear on the tax list. Registering them through giving them legal passes gives will ensure that they contribute to government revenue through taxes.
Statistics show that the education system in provides for foreign workforce in the nation. The numbers of foreigners who graduate from the system in America form a high percentage. For this reason, they seek employment in America because they studied here. For example the number of foreign white students born in America who graduate with a bachelors degree form 51.6% while the native white students with similar qualifications form 39.8%. The number of foreign black students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree stands at 34.1%. The number of native black students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree represents 25.1%. Considering the Asian community, the number of foreign students born in America who graduate with a bachelors degree stands at 58.1% while natives from the same community who graduate with a bachelors degree stands at 61.1%. In the Latino community, the number of foreign students born in America who graduate with a bachelor’s degree stands at 12.6 %. While the number of native students belonging to the Latino community who graduate with a bachelors degree stands at 22%. This report indicates that individuals from foreign communities also go through the American system and emerge successful. These individuals part of the high skilled foreign workers. Most of these foreigners seek employment in the American enterprises because they have adapted to the culture in America. In support of foreign workers, the United States should have the ability of absorbing graduates into the labor market.
In the situation of low skilled workers, the American system also produces a high number of graduates. The number of foreign white students who do not get to college stands at 21.8% while the number of native white students in the same category stands at 26.9%. The number of foreign black students who do not get past high school stands at 29.6 while the number of native black students in the same category stands at 33.5%. The number of foreign students from the Asian community who do into college stands at 18.1% while the number of native students from the Asian community in the same category stands at 13.8%. Finally, the number of foreign Latino students who do not make it to college stands at 28.9% while the number of native Latino students in the same category stands at 33%. These statistics indicate that foreign students present similar capabilities as native students. For this reason, they should have a chance to work for American organizations. Academic performance indicates the ability of an individual to perform in the expected way. The education system trains individuals for employment. Therefore, these statistics indicate that foreign workforce that has gone through the education system in America can work competently as their native counterparts.
In conclusion
Foreign workers provide labor at affordable costs for American enterprises. Some of these workers offer services at the same level as native workers because they have gone through a similar education system as the native workers (Pany, 115). Foreign workers offer both high skilled labor and low skilled labor. The shortage in the American labor market lies in the quality of skills. A shortage of high skilled laborers exists in America. The graduates in STEM related fields increase in number each year, however they do not provide the necessary skills. By 2020, the labor market will experience a shortage of 95 million high skilled laborers. This does not indicate a shortage in laborers. It shows that the available laborers in America possess low skills. Foreign workforce should be employed in America due to their high-level skills and affordable wages.
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