There is a principle of division of labor and specialization in every sector of business. This ensures that there is maximum efficiency in running the day today activities of any industry (Haber 15). Therefore the Duo Company was given the full responsibility to ensure that they manage the financial cash flow of their client very effectively.
In case of any fraud and the perpetrator is missing, then they should bear the full responsibility for the loss. Furthermore, it is their obligation to monitor very closely their employees on a daily basis. It has been found out that it is their employee that has stolen from their client. I can now convincing say that it is out of their negligence that such a fraud has occurred (Haber 32).
One cannot hold the company liable since the trusted and given the Duo Company the accounting job. Generally speaking, let’s say that something has gone wrong at the production department. It is the same department that should be bearing the responsibility since this has come from their area of specialization. Whether this department has been outsourced or not, it is them to be held accountable.
In conclusion, I would like to respond to the discussions by saying that discussion 1 holds water (Haber 57). It conquers with my opinion since each and every person should account for his/her duty when the need arises. You cannot accuse everybody of a fraud which should have been detected early enough by the Duo Company.
Finally, discussions 2 do not argue well since the job of accounting is a professional field and cannot be done by everyone. In addition to that, you cannot work with people whom you don’t trust. Trust is very important in any business organization.
Work cited
Haber, J. R. Accounting Demystified. New York: AMACOM.2004. Print.