Vancouver Harbor Airport is on the Sea Island, across the Fraser River in Coal Harbor. The actual Vancouver Harbor Airport ship docking area is 49017`26.44”123007`08.90”W of Canada. The Vancouver Harbor Control Tower, situated on top of the Granville Square building should be the first directional aspect to consider. The nearest airport to Vancouver Harbor Airport is the Vancouver International Airport that has it is located within approximately 8 miles (12km) South-southwest of CXH. The airport is relatively at low elevation of approximately (0), and it recommends that planes can only take off at relatively lower speed as compared airports with relatively higher elevation. The Furthest airport to Vancouver Harbor Airport is Tolanaro Airport located 17,184km in Madagascar (Heinrich, 2011). It is possible for one to locate the zone using the above specifications.
Figure 1 Vancouver harbor international airport
Main Industry in Vancouver Harbor Airport
The primary industry that operates within the Vancouver Harbor Airport is tourism. The unique scenery created on the eastern side of the city makes a remarkable beauty with an abundance of outdoor annual activities. Vancouver activities, attractions, and scenery enjoy throughout the four seasons. However, summer is the best hiking, sightseeing, and swimming period. During winter, tourists experience the best world-class skiing and other snow activities. Documentary records also indicate that between March and October, visitors often enjoy some of the best outdoor activities (Heinrich, 2011). Tourists are advised to take a horse-drawn guide tour in order to take all forms of attractions. The horse-drawn tour will enable them exhaustively to view the harbor, Lions Gate Bridge, and the Deadman's Island. Families are recommended to visit Kitsilano beach. At the beach, they will enjoy a variety of the Aquarium and science world. Children may try out deep-sea fishing trip (Weingarten, 2007).
Vancouver has numerous multi-mega, restaurants, night clubs and bars that are glamorous and rather generic. The hotels and restaurants are well known for their local cousin using the local ingredients. The zone is a lighthearted place with varied forms of serious cooking. They provide excellent sea food like wild-shrimp risotto and wild salmon with orange fennel that gets sold at relatively lower prices. Vancouver is also known for its gorgeous art scenery. The Vancouver Art Gallery museum is one of the terrific galleries located at the busy Robson Shopping Center. This gallery richly packs with an extensive collection of British Columbian artists. The group comprises of provocative contemporary artists and the neoclassical courthouse (Heinrich, 2011).
Type of Airport
Vancouver Harbor Airport is one of the global international airports. The airport has the tallest control tower and landing instrument. According to international ranking, the Vancouver Harbor Airport is considered as the 8th busiest aerodrome in Canada. As recorded, many airlines from United States of America serve this international airport. The city mass transit system offers the best network of light rail, taxis, and buses (Heinrich, 2011). The architectural work that was used to develop the airport caters for the special attention for all travelers with all forms of circumstances such as disabilities. Such features include braille lettering in the elevators and sensors embedded in the floors for passenger and closed caption monitors. The harbor is also developed to cater for all classes of people across the world. They provide special services unique features that enable them to cater to different clients. These include; high level of hospitality, diverse language, and prompt communication levels. The distinctive features make the airport become regarded as one of the international airports (Heinrich, 2007).
Security Measures
Vancouver is one among the best places to visit. However, it is important for anyone to take great care of him/herself and the belongings. Statistical records indicate that the world aviation bodies have spent billions of dollars to combat security from the 9/11 U.S.A attacks. A decade has passed since this attack was experienced no guided security threats have ever experienced by the airlines (Heinrich, 2011). However, Vancouver Harbor that helps to check out any suspicious behavior among the visitors. At the check points, there is a whole-body scanner that x-rays the entire body. Carry –on luggage scanner helps to scrutiny as many languages as possible any suspicious material at the port. The scanners can produce a 3D high resolution that provides an automatic detection before the loading onto the ship (Heinrich, 2005).
Like any other international airport located in a metropolitan city, every visitor should be cautious enough. Some cities are well known for drug abuse, pornography practice, and prostitution. The most dangerous towns include; Downtown Eastside. This area is a little complicated to most of the new visitors and may cause unnecessary inconveniences to the visitors. Therefore, such areas require special guides and prompt security (Heinrich, 2005; (Heinrich, 2011).
The Vancouver Harbor Airport was designed by aviation expert to act as a permanent structure to the Vancouver`s plane operators. The float plane terminal is LEED certified that built with the inclusion of all the necessary design specifications required by the BC Pavilion Cooperation of Vancouver city. The faculty possesses a number of innovative designs facilities that enables efficient operation within the busy port. These features include a trio-run way that allow more than two planes to land or take off, self-contained secure fueling system and fully accessed glass elevators to enable people to transfer from one point to the other. The ultimate result of these best-designed facilities is that they have allowed airport to act as one of the economic vital service of the Canada (Gordon, 2007). The airport authority has also launched an Automated Passport Control (APC) that provides an automatic clearance to the customers with high level of security for only the eligible customers. This process is quite efficient and reduces congestion at the terminals and cost of operation.
Uniqueness Feature of the Vancouver Harbor Airport
The interior section of the airport has a unique theme of British Colombia. The issue features one of the comprehensive collections of the pacific North Coast Native pieces of world art. The pieces of art possess variable possible colors to that reflect the land sky and sea (Cox, 2004). The second most unique feature in the Vancouver airport is its abundant forms of scenery. These sceneries range from natural to man-made forms of arts. They have made the Vancouver city to be one of the world`s reputable tourist destination sites with the demographic influx. The last most beautiful feature is one of the cities called Downtown. The city comprise of Stanly Park, Chinatown and Stanly Park, all of which are known for their great view of harbor and flower beds.
Cox, I. (2004, Nov 13). Vancouver: A magical city made for walking. Redlands Daily Facts Retrieved from
Gordon, A. (2007, Jan 07). WESTERN TRAVEL; carving their place in history; native art on a massive scale, the totem poles of Vancouver Island are towering tales of Canada’s past. Today, craftsmen keep the legends alive. Los Angeles Times Retrieved from
Heinrich, E. (2005, Feb). THE SMART AIRPORT. Canadian Business, 78, 63-64. Retrieved from
Heinrich, R. W. (2011). A study in modern(ist) urbanism: Planning vancouver, 1945-1965. Urban History, 38(1), 124-149. doi:
Weingarten, M. (2007, Jul 15). Vancouver. New York Times Retrieved from