Three harmful causes of alcoholism in the US
Alcohol abuse is a rampant condition in the US. Social scientists through normative perspective attempts to find the relation between alcohol users and friends and how social ties or alienation affects one alcohol usage. Overdependence in alcohol is what is referred to as harmful consumption. Some of the harmful causes of alcohol consumption in US include; feeling of dependency, individual’s social environment, psychoanalytical theory and genetic factors
Feeling of dependency explains alcoholism as roots that develop from childhood and over the years they get deeper and deeper. Pessimism and inferiority creates anxiety in an individual. If the feeling continue in adulthood, the individual may seek a feeling of superiority in alcohol as opposed to working hard.
Secondly, the psychoanalytical theory based on Sigmud Fred compares alcoholism to early childhood experiences. In patching the holes in a child such as discomfort or illness, breast feeding the baby sooths the baby, this approach is referred to as oral fixation. Adults or adolescents faced by stress tend to seek the oral fixation in drugs. What make alcohol appropriate is that it works in minutes.
Lastly, genetic factors can be classified as harmful causes. Drug seeking behavior is a disorder attributed to malfunction of the brain. Dopamine is responsible of maintaining the normal drive in our brains. When the reward cascade part of the brain has a dysfunction, the individual develops craving for drugs. The disorder causes a hypodopaminergic trait which leads to alcohol abuse. The above three causes are the main roots from which other sub-causes arises.