1.1 Problem Statement
The wedding niche is incredibly important for the overall success of the tourism industry in the country. Because of the relatively small nature of the economy in Tobago, any difficulties with any facet of the industry can be completely devastating overall. The current wedding industry is not failing by any means, but there are certainly struggles as well; determining how to alleviate these problems will be one of the primary focuses of this assessment. Different individuals will have different perspectives and different assessments on the potential solutions for the economy, and it is important to determine the best way to maintain the competitiveness of the wedding niche moving forward.
1.2 Methodology
The methodology is arguably the most important component of the research, as it provides the general structure upon which the analysis will be completed. It is the element which shows the research process, which particular research methods and techniques are being used and how they will be implemented. According to the literature, the methodology used for data collection is very important as it reveals how the data will be collected, analyzed and interpreted for presentation of the finding of the study. In addition, the literature suggests that there are three axioms of sound methodology: reliability; validity; and representativeness and generalizability. All three of these axioms have been addressed here in the general structure of the research,
The investigative methodology of research has been chosen for this study in order to deduce conclusions for the underperformance of Tobago’s Destination Wedding Niche. The primary research method utilized for this particular study was conducted using questionnaires. These questionnaires have been sent to a wide variety of people who have interacted with the wedding industry in Tobago, in an attempt to better understand the issues facing the current tourism industry. The wedding tourism industry is of significant a concern in this particular case, as the current industry standards seem to be flagging and analysis must be conducted to determine the appropriate ways to boost the economy.
Data Collection Methods
For the purposes of this discussion, the data was collected using a collection of surveyed responses from the respondents. The structured interview will be administered utilizing a list of questions that the respondents will be asked. The way the questions are phrased and in which order they come varied significantly from one interview to the next as the interview process is determined by the responses of the interviewees. Different interviewees responded differently to the questions asked, and thus their overall experience with the interview process was different. The study population will consist of the Coordinator of the Promotions Unit at the Division of Tourism and Transportation; members of the Hotel and Tourism Association; Visitors from Trinidad as well as tourists; and local industry partners.
The questionnaires for the project were split into four types. Questionnaire A is designed for the Division of Tourism and Transportation. Questionnaire B is designed for the Hotel and Tourism Association, while C and D are designed for guests and foreign bridal couples and Industry Partners respectively. In an exploratory study the semi-structured interview may be used to find out what is happening and to understand the context. Hence for this research the semi-structured interviews would allow for some explanations to responses. For that reason, both structured and semi-structured interviews would be used allowing respondents to be asked closed as well as open-ended questions. Prior to the semi-structured interview there was be a brief, pertinent preamble to enable respondents to flow naturally into the topic. All interviews were conducted on a one-to-one basis and the researcher had to adhere to the strict guidelines and ethical procedures set out by AIB. Therefore, all participants have signed the Research Consent Form as evidence of their approval to participate in this Research through completing questionnaires and or being interviewed. Data collection was conducted in line with all the appropriate methods of surveying human participants.
1.4 Data Analysis
The quantitative data is associated with statistics and is especially used to determine numerical indicators of a triangulation of data. Also, it is often used to measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample (Clark et al. 1998). Conversely, the goal of a qualitative study is to look for patterns and to get a general feel for how things are. Therefore, the qualitative method will be used for this study. In this discussion, the questionnaires will be analyzed to determine the the frequencies of response. There are certain data points that, in the detailed analysis, will be best expressed by percentages in this analysis; these responses will be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively based on the different responses given by the respondents to the questionnaires. The different questionnaires are not all quantitative; there is important qualitative information that can be gleaned and analyzed during the course of this project. The data that is analyzed will come from a variety of different sources, including government officials and individual guests.
The data from the questionnaires indicates that there are many different areas that must be improved if the wedding industry in Tobago is to recover appropriately. Although the details of these changes will be investigated in depth, it is important to note that there were overarching trends that were developed during the investigation. There are recommendations made and conclusions drawn regarding the overall state of the wedding industry in Tobago. The primary weaknesses for the wedding niche in the Tobago is the perception that the wedding industry is underperforming. This opinion was shared by many individuals who participate in the wedding industry in a number of different ways; although industry partners indicated that they had high levels of satisfaction on the part of their clientele, they are not experiencing the same successes that they otherwise experienced in a different market. One of the significant problems that must be addressed is with overall accessibility to Tobago.
2.1 Analysis of Respondents: Division of Tourism and Transportation
The Division of Tourism and Transportation suggests that the wedding industry needs more attention. Question 1 asks whether it is the popular view that the wedding tourism sector is struggling, and the Division of Tourism and Transportation Promotion Coordinator and Product Development Coordinator agree that upgrades need to be completed in the sector. Currently, marketing is the focus: there are significant marketing strategies that need to be implemented to develop further successes in the market (Appendix A). The Promotion Coordinator suggests that the product is in complete disrepair; there is no cohesive structure in the current market. Questions Two and Three in Appendix A demonstrate that more analysis needs to be done on industry partners and the position of stakeholders (Appendix A). Currently, there is poor accessibility, which is hurting the market; the Division of Tourism and Transportation is attempting to implement a new plan that will drive more profit to the region.
Currently, other destinations are out-competing Tobago in terms of accessibility and drive. There are few direct flights to Tobago, and as a result, the industry is losing international interest as a wedding destination. Both Division of Tourism and Transportation personnel asked about the wedding industry commented that the accessibility of the country was a significant problem. The introduction of the Olde Time Wedding Package, both individuals suggest, would be a positive move forward for the industry as a whole. Indeed, both professionals agree that something must be done; they are unsure as to whether there will be any changes made in the near future, despite the desperate need for changes in the industry as a whole.
2.2 Analysis of Respondents: Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association
The Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association have developed a thorough understanding of the current situation in Tobago regarding the current wedding industry. The Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association reports, of a typical wedding package in Tobago, “This package costs US$1200; includes assistance with making the application to marry, a pre- meeting with the minister, a beach wedding ceremony at Stonehaven beach with minister, signing table and chairs plus witnesses, photography of ceremony until sunset (or around 2 hours) by two photographers (anticipate around 200 - 400 photos on DVD), local bloom bridal bouquet & grooms boutonniere, rum punch toast, dinner for two and all transportation” (Appendix B). This is a comprehensive wedding program; however, the THTA also notes that there are significant problems associated with the current situation. Accessibility and competition are two significant problems that Tobago is facing in the current market; there are many players that are acting in the current market, and the Tobago island is not as accessible for many foreigners as other potential honeymoon and wedding destinations are in the region.
The wedding planners note, interestingly, that there are difficulties in the perception of Tobago as a relaxed island and the reality. The wedding planner from the THTA notes that while they have had a steady influx of weddings in recent years, there has certainly not been a healthy growth in the market. Moving forward, more promotion must be done for the wedding market in Tobago. Increasing promotion and marketing is a common theme that runs through many of the responses given from the professionals in the Tobago wedding market.
2.3 Analysis of Respondents: Visitors and Guests
Graph: Previous Visits to Tobago
Graph: Satisfaction Results from Guests
Graph: Reasons for Visit
Only one guest experienced any real dissatisfaction with his or her experience in Tobago. This guest was also the one who was only there to attend a wedding—all of the guests that decided to attend of their own volition seemed extremely happy with their experiences in Tobago. Indeed, most of the guests gave extremely good reviews of the service that they experienced, although many of them had prior knowledge of the island before choosing it for their wedding location. This is important, as it indicates that there is no real expansion of knowledge base in terms of attracting potential guests for the wedding industry (Appendix C).
One problem that some of the respondents had regarding the wedding process is that the marriage permit process was too long in Tobago (Appendix C). If this is indeed the case, then it makes sense that the government should attempt to solve this problem as quickly as possible; it is certainly a problem for the wedding industry if the marriage permit process is too difficult. Wedding permits can be difficult for travelers, as they will have limited time in the country. To streamline the process and help alleviate the strain on the wedding industry as a whole, the marriage permit process problems must be addressed.
2.4 Analysis of Respondents: Industry Partner
The industry partners in this discussion echo the other issues that have been addressed by the other respondents: the marketing needs to be readdressed for the wedding niche in Tobago as a whole, and there needs to be a better travel pipeline between other locations and Tobago.
Graph: Is the wedding industry underperforming?
Graph: Are destination wedding guests satisfied with their experiences?
Currently, the accessibility of the island is very poor, and it takes too long for the marriage permits to be given to potential newlyweds. There are many problems with the fact that the wedding niche needs to be developed more thoroughly, and accessibility needs to be increased to the island (Appendix D). New marketing strategies must be implemented as well. Without more thorough marketing strategies, there can be no growth for the industry. The industry partners note that there have been complaints about upkeep and customer service, but the guests that were interviewed note that one of the draws for their business was the serene and pristine nature of the environment on the island.
3.1 Key Findings
A number of important issues were uncovered during the course of the investigation. The marketing materials for the wedding industry are vastly underdeveloped, which is a significant problem for the industry as a whole. While there is demand for a developed wedding industry on the island, there is no infrastructure that is currently available to the people who are interested in having a destination wedding at the location. For instance, there are very few options for wedding providers; there are some all-inclusive offers, but there are also not as many options as might be ideal for the industry as a whole. Most of the respondents for the questionnaire responded that while their experiences were good in general, there are certainly problems because of customer service and the options that are available—or not available—on the island. Many respondents noted that the lack of proper marketing materials had a significant negative impact on the wedding niche as a whole.
3.2 Recommendations
Moving forward, the first and foremost concern for the wedding niche in Tobago is the development of a new marketing strategy. While the products are not as well developed as the might be, the most important thing is that there is no potential customer awareness of any of the products. The current marketing strategy in Tobago is not merely underdeveloped, it is almost nonexistent—there is no attempt to develop a coherent marketing strategy for the market moving forward either, which is a significant problem for the tourism industry. Many of the respondents had been to Tobago before, which does not bode well for the tourism industry as a whole: people should be traveling newly to the island, rather than only going to the island after they have already been there before. The one respondent who had never been to the island in the past noted that their experience was a poor one.
Another important thing that needs to be developed for the success of the market is greater infrastructure support. Currently, the infrastructure does not exist to support a large wedding tourism industry in Tobago; the accessibility of the island is poor, and there are problems with the marriage permit system. Revamping these problems—in particular, ensuring that accessibility of the island is improved—should be one of the primary goals of the industry as a whole moving forward.
4.1 Conclusion
The wedding industry in Tobago has serious potential, and the introduction of a new product also has the potential to be extremely successful. However, there are fundamental problems with the industry as a whole that must be developed and addressed before any successful programming can be implemented on the island. The wedding industry, particularly the destination wedding industry, has the potential to be extremely successful—the wedding industry is generally extremely lucrative—but these significant problems must be addressed for long-term success.
Appendix A: Division of Tourism and Transportation
(DOTT - Product Development)
1. It is the popular view that most island destination’s wedding tourism sector is striving, what are the major causes for the underperformance of Tobago’s Destination Wedding Niche?
I think the Product needs more attention like upgrading what exists and developing new attractions. At present we are focusing more on marketing.
2. How can this underperformance be stemmed and reversed?
The Division needs to get the views and suggestions of Industry Partners and Stakeholders so that a common position could be reached. They all complain about the lack of development of the product.
3. What have been the most profound effects of the underperformance?
Well arrivals are shrinking. There are many other Caribbean destinations for guests to choose and they are doing that. Our wedding and honeymoon market started falling away about six years ago.
4. As we speak, are steps being taken to remedy the situation?
5. Please share some of the remedial initiatives.
The Division is upgrading the historical sites like the forts and the beaches and waterfalls are being maintained.
6. Are these initiatives part of the Destination’s short, medium or long term Strategic Product Development Plan?
Not really.
7. Do such Plans exist?
Yes. I believe there is a Three Rolling Plan.
8. Which are the Division’s main source markets for weddings and honeymoon?
The United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Germany and North America to a lesser extent.
9. In which areas do competing destination wedding niches outperform Tobago?
In customer service and the length of time couples must reside on the island before applying for a marriage license. It is three to four days in Tobago while it is one day in some other Caribbean Destinations. These have been the main areas of complaints.
10. How would the enhancement of the overall tourism product impact the Wedding Niche?
The product definitely needs overhauling. When this is done overall arrivals will increase and this will positively impact not only the wedding niche but all the other niches such dive, eco, golfing and game fishing.
11. Does the DOTT intend to revive the Old Time Wedding to enhance the Niche’s performance? Give reasons for your response.
It is an idea that has been discussed. It was even introduced at one of our wedding symposiums but nothing concrete has been done about it as yet. I believe it would make a positive difference to product development and the niche offering because most foreigners look forward to new experiences. They look forward to participating in different cultural activities.
12. What is Tobago’s unique selling point?
The Pigeon Point Heritage Park, our cuisine and the friendliness of our people.
Thank You
Division of Tourism and Transportation (Promotion Coordinator - DOTT)
1. It is the popular view that most island destination’s wedding tourism sector is striving, what are the major causes for the underperformance of Tobago’s Destination Wedding Niche?
There is nothing to work with. The Product is in disrepair.
2. Explain.
In every area of the Industry there are negative complaints about the Product and the Plant. There are security and safety issues which also affect the enjoyment of the Product. The whole tourism plant needs overhauling.
3. What have been the most profound effects of the underperformance?
The Niche is losing market share.
4. As we speak, are steps being taken to remedy the situation?
Not as far as I know.
5. Suggest remedial initiatives.
The DOTT could start by employing people who are interested in the Destination, who has the experience and the knowledge of the product and appreciate the value of target marketing.
6. Are these initiatives part of the Destination’s short, medium or long term Strategic Product Development Plan?
Not to my knowledge.
7. Do such Plans exist?
8. Which are the Division’s main source markets for weddings and honeymoon?
I believe the United Kingdom and Germany but they are falling away because of the condition of the Product and the Plant and the uncertainty of direct flights.
9. In which areas do competing destination wedding niches outperform Tobago?
Product Development, including customer service and Target marketing.
9. How would the enhancement of the overall tourism product impact the Wedding Niche?
Positively! The Destination is naturally beautiful. It just needs the right people to manage it properly.
10. Does the DOTT intend to revive the Ole Time Wedding to enhance the Niche’s performance? Give reasons for your response.
The Ole Time Wedding would do wonders for the destination if it is packaged properly but I do not know whether the DOTT will go in that direction.
11. What is Tobago’s unique selling point?
Its quaint beauty, tranquility and Its rain forest with over two hundred species of birds!
Thank You
Appendix B: Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association (THTA)
Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association (THTA)
What sector of the Industry do you belong?
All aspects of the Wedding Planning
Do you offer wedding packages?
Describe your typical wedding package.
This package costs US$1200; includes assistance with making the application to marry, a pre- meeting with the minister, a beach wedding ceremony at Stonehaven beach with minister, signing table and chairs plus witnesses, photography of ceremony until sunset (or around 2 hours) by two photographers (anticipate around 200 - 400 photos on DVD), local bloom bridal bouquet & grooms boutonniere, rum punch toast, dinner for two and all transportation.
Would you say that the Tobago Wedding Niche is underperforming?
I will start by saying that my initial reaction to the question of decline in international weddings here was not fair, as for us, the truth is that we have had an average of one & a half weddings a month for 6 years.
Then are you satisfied with the performance of the Wedding Niche?
You are already fully aware of the problems violent crime has caused for Tobago, and I am equally sure you are aware of the lack of manpower, equipment, training and funding of our police service. That is a no win situation.
Do you receive frequent complaints from members of the Association about the Niche’s underperformance? If yes, what are the main complaints?
The solution is not an easy one, and will take years to achieve in any sustainable manner because the problem lies with the product.
How do you think the situation could be remedied?
Tobago would be well advised to become the relaxed holiday Island it portrays itself to be. This requires everyone on the Island to treat visitors and each other with the old time respect that was welcoming, humble and helpful - to all. This will require education from the ground roots up, community groups, all schools and wider charities and organizations coming together to promote that holiday Island attitude. It will also require educating the larger community that we can all play an important role in securing Tobago's future within the tourism industry via micro marketing through social media channels. Everything from personal posts on Face book to direct advertising by businesses, government and self employed individuals throughout the myriad of opportunities that lie on the World Wide Web for self promotion!
What do you think is the correlation between the Niche’s underperformance and the development of the product?
There are more players in the field, and not just Tobago based. I have known of at least a dozen recent weddings where all arrangements have been made from Trinidad and a large proportion of wedding vendor services have been sourced from Trinidad. While this may at first appear unfair to Tobago vendors, in truth our Trinidad counterparts are far better equipped and experienced for the more formal larger weddings, and as such they only help to booster the Tobago wedding industry in the long run, so they should be welcomed and encouraged.
In which areas do competing destination wedding niches outperform Tobago?
Tobago is making the same mistakes as every other small Island in its rush to be seen as first world, or more accurately we all want the modern lifestyles, and visitors can go anywhere in the world to see shops and large commercial buildings and offices, they cannot go just anywhere to see a Cocrico (Tobago’s National Bird), or an Iguana lounging in the afternoon sun. In our rush to modernize we will lose everything that makes Tobago - Tobago.
Do you think the DOTT should revive the Old Time Wedding to enhance the Niche’s performance? Give reasons for your answer.
Having an 'Ole time wedding' package that is based on Tobago traditions would be a tremendous idea Sandra, but perhaps better to come from the private sector than government. Once the product exists there is no reason why DOTT cannot proudly promote it. Not only would it give Tobago something unique to market in way of a wedding product, it also gives the opportunity to promote the people behind it, as it would bring income to seamstresses & tailors that produce the garments, so their story would be interesting to many. Certainly a good idea with the potential of creating some employment!
Please share your final thoughts.
Finally on a note of a simple observation, it is not a biggy but over the years I have known this issue to cost a few opportunities, and I refer to the waiting period required before couples can apply to marry. Granted it was designed to keep visitors here for at least a week and fill a hotel room or two, however it has cost us weddings and will continue to do so. There was talk a year or two ago about dropping the waiting period so that cruise ship passengers could marry here, however if the powers that be were to remove it, it would also improve the chance of seeing more weddings and not just the ones who want to get married quickly, but for all couples looking to marry from abroad in Tobago.
Thank You
Appendix C: Visitor/Guest Responses
Visitor/Guest Questionnaire
Nationality: TRINIDADIAN
2. Is this your first visit to Tobago?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
3. If you answered no, when was your last visit?
JUNE 2015
4. Are you here to get married or to attend a wedding?
⃝ Get Married
⃝ Attend a Wedding
5. Were you satisfied with the experience?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
6. If no, please explain.
Ignorant, incapable, untrained, heartless boatmen/tour guides who were a complete rip-off, concerned only about making money and not about the necessary safety, comfort, enjoyment of paying customers/visitors to Tobago, all while a horrific event which could have been avoided had there been proper systems/guidelines in place, especially regarding the safety of patrons.
There was no efficient system in case of emergency.
After an emergency at sea, the patrol vehicle that was sent was unaware that the health center was closed, delaying medical care.
In a separate incident, there was unprofessionalism in handling a customer related situation where water sport equipment was concerned – incident happened at Store Bay with one of the “businessmen” there.
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
I didn’t choose Tobago, the bride and groom did.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how?
Yes, and I have attended. I actually do not know how I first heard about itperhaps via word of mouth, but it was taught in school and seen time and time again in local publications, i.e. magazines, newspapers, tourism booklets etc.
9. If the Old Time Wedding was offered as an option, would you have chosen it; and why?
No, because while it’s fun to attend and appreciate as heritage, it’s not a style that I am interested in for my own wedding.
10. Have you experienced a destination wedding elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
Yes, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
11. Please say how Tobago compares.
It doesn’t. They were two completely different settings, which offered very different expectations. However, the people in the service/tourism industry that we encountered in Atlanta were more knowledagble, efficient, considerate and guest-oriented, making guests feel welcomed, and ultimately creating an enjoyable and favorably memorable experience for everyone.
Thank You
Visitor/Guest Interview
Nationality British
2. Was this your first visit to Tobago?
3. How did you hear about Tobago?
We read about it on the internet.
4. Did you get married on the island or spent your honeymoon?
Get Married
Spent Honeymoon
5. Were you satisfied with the experience?
6. Please explain.
We had a wonderful honeymoon. Tobago is still in the pre-mass-tourism stage of tourism so we were able to really relax and have an authentic experience. The best bit was staying in this accommodation - because we interacted with local people and we are in self-catering, so we don't feel locked into buying expensive restaurant and hotel food.
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
Actually, we read so many good things about this place which is in Tobago so we decided to come here.
However you need earplugs to make sure you get some sleep and don't get too disturbed by the cockerels and cocricos because they wake up early! You also need plenty of mosquito repellent with DEET if you have a tendency to get bitten. In August (wet season) you have sand flies and mosquitoes feasting on you all day! If we decide to return we will consider carefully whether we are going to be comfortable without air conditioning in 32 degree C temperatures. It's very hot and sticky, even with the coastal breezes! We found out that to enjoy the Argyle Waterfalls we should hire a car for a few days and get there before 10 am (when all the coach loads start arriving). There are no activities or entertainment because there are not loads of things to do. Tobago is suited for a relaxing holiday, away from it all.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how?
9. If an Island Style Wedding was offered as an option, would you have chosen or recommended it; and why?
We will need more information about it.
10. Please comment on all the official requirements for getting married in Tobago?
I read about it and something should be done about cutting down the three-day wait before obtaining a marriage license. Couples with limited holiday time would not marry here.
11. Have you experienced a destination wedding or honeymoon elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
12. Please say how Tobago compares.
We were told that the Bahamas has loads of activities and couples can get their marriage license quickly and without any hassle.
Thank You
1. Nationality British
2. Was this your first visit to Tobago?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
3. If you answered no, when was your last visit?
Three years ago.
4. Did you get married on the island or spent your honeymoon?
⃝ Get Married
⃝ Spent Honeymoon
5. Were you satisfied with the experience?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
6. Please explain.
There is so much pressure to choose a suitable honeymoon destination; one can become quite stressed working to ensure that it is the best holiday ever. Luckily for us, we made a good choice. We had such an exciting yet restful and relaxing time. We enjoyed the beautiful nature and our comfortably designed accommodation made perfect by our enthusiastic hosts.
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
We love Tobago because it is quaint and not over-run by tourists though more could be done to raise the general standard of customer service. That may be a reason why less tourists are here than when we started visiting. On the flight here most of the tourist stopped off on the other island.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how?
Yes we saw it once when we attended the Heritage Festival.
9. If the Old Time Wedding was offered as an option, would you have chosen or recommended it; and why?
I would not choose it for me but I can describe it to someone who is interested. If it is offered I am sure many couples would go for it.
10. Please comment on all the official requirements for getting married in Tobago?
It takes too long to get a marriage permit here, that’s why we only came for our honeymoon.
11. Have you experienced a destination wedding elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
In Aruba
12. Please say how Tobago compares.
Tobago has less activities but its ‘laidbackness’ can be an attraction.
Thank You
1. Nationality Austrian
2. Was this your first visit to Tobago?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
3. If you answered no, when was your last visit?
We cannot wait to return!
4. Did you get married on the island or spent your honeymoon?
⃝ Get Married
⃝ Spent Honeymoon
⃝ Both
5. Were you satisfied with the experience?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
6. Please explain.
We got married on the balcony of our Bed and Breakfast accommodation surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. It was a very romantic yet relaxing time for us. Our accommodation was perfect. The sound of the waves and the singing of the birds took some getting used to, and then they became our lullaby.
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
After looking at about six destinations we decided on Tobago mainly because of the reviews on this Bed and Breakfast.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how?
9. If an Island Style Wedding was offered as an option, would you have chosen it; and why?
We are not sure.
10. Please comment on all the official requirements for getting married in Tobago?
The wait for the marriage permit is too long.
11. Have you experienced a destination wedding elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
12. Please say how Tobago compares to other destinations you have visited.
Thank You
Nationality British
2. Was this your first visit to Tobago?
⃝ No
3. If you answered no, when was your last visit?
August 2015
4. Did you get married on the island or spent your honeymoon?
⃝ Get Married ⃝ Both
⃝ Spent Honeymoon
5. Were you satisfied with your overall experience?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
6. Please explain.
All the details for the wedding was explained by Robert, he even recommendations were very useful. I understood what I need to do regarding the legal aspects of getting married in Tobago
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
I wanted a beach wedding and my partner is from Trinidad. Also, there are the most wonderful isolated beaches in Tobago.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how? No
9. Please comment on all the official requirements for getting married in Tobago?
I had to obtain a special license and be in the country 4 days before the wedding date. All of this was explained before I arrived in Tobago.
10. Have you experienced a destination wedding elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
Thank You
Nationality Trinidadian/British
2. Was this your first visit to Tobago?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
3. If you answered no, when was your last visit?
4. Did you get married on the island or spent your honeymoon?
⃝ Get Married ⃝ Both
⃝ Spent Honeymoon
Renewed Vows
5. Were you satisfied with your overall experience?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
6. Please explain.
Robert of Tobago Weddings, planned and organized everything as I live in the UK now so I didn’t have to worry about a thing. He responded in good time to all of my queries in a warm and friendly manner and his costs were very reasonable.
7. Why did you choose Tobago?
It is beautiful and easy to get to from Trinidad where all of my family live.
8. Have you ever heard of Tobago’s Old Time Wedding; if yes, how?
I think I have when I was small but not sure I can describe any details.
9. If the Old Time Wedding was offered as an option, would you have chosen it; and why?
Don’t think so, as I am already married and was looking for a vow renewal
10. Please comment on all the official requirements for getting married in Tobago?
Tedious but I was prepared.
11. Have you experienced a destination wedding elsewhere; if yes, please say where?
Thank You
Appendix D: Industry Partner
Industry Partner Questionnaire
Type of Property
Luxury Villas (Plantation Beach Villas)
Would you say that Tobago’s Wedding Sector is underperforming?
If yes, please explain?
Product Development is non-existent. Product Development is vital. We have to improve our product including attractions like the cocoa estate, catamaran sailing and scuba diving. Afterwards, then market or do them simultaneously.
Approximately how many destination weddings are hosted at your property per month?
We have not done any recently.
Are your destination wedding guests satisfied with their experiences?
Yes, usually. But we get complaints about accessibility because there are no flights from many prospective visitor generating countries.
Why do you think Tobago’s Wedding Niche competitors are performing better?
Primarily because the length of time couples must be on the island before applying for a marriage license is a turn off. In Tobago it is three days after the day of arrival while it is one day in St Lucia.
Are you satisfied with the DOTT Niche development strategies; and why?
I am working along with them though they have done away with the Villa enhancing and marketing initiatives.
What do you think is this destination’s unique selling point?
The food and the quaintness of the island which is being destroyed, we need to preserve our natural attractions.
In your opinion, would the Tobago Old Time Wedding impact the wedding niche?
Yes, it will. It is unique and is a definite attraction.
Please give reasons for your response?
We need to preserve and showcase our natural attractions.
Thank You
Industry Partner Interview
Type of Business: Wedding Planning and Accommodation (Kariwak Village)
Would you say that Tobago’s Wedding Sector is underperforming?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
If yes, please explain?
Because we have not had a wedding for a long time and that is unusual for us.
Approximately how many destination weddings are hosted at your property per month?
At least five during the year.
Whenever you facilitate a destination wedding, are the wedding guests satisfied with their experiences?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
If no, what are the main complaints?
But some of them complain about coming one week before.
Why do you think Tobago’s Wedding Niche competitors are performing better?
Because Tobago is not managing its product properly and you have to do that and then market it properly.
Are you satisfied with the DOTT Niche development strategies; and why?
Do they have a strategy? I would love to know what it is besides talk.
In your opinion, would the Tobago Old Time Wedding impact the wedding niche?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
Please give reasons for your response?
Because it is different and some guests like local styles and local culture.
Thank You
Industry Partner
Type of Business: Accommodation (Castle White)
Would you say that Tobago’s Wedding Sector is underperforming?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
If yes, please explain?
The product lack input by the Authority. It needs attention.
Approximately how many destination weddings are hosted at your property per month?
We have not had any for the longest while but we have one booked for August.
Whenever you facilitate a destination wedding, are the wedding guests satisfied with their experiences?
⃝ Yes (They are satisfied with us and compliment us)
⃝ No
If no, what are the main complaints?
But there are some complaints about upkeep of properties and customer service.
Why do you think Tobago’s Wedding Niche competitors are performing better?
I traveled on a flight from the UK to Tobago and 90% of the passengers stopped off in St Lucia. I was told that other islands Tourist Boards help their Industry Partners.
Are you satisfied with the DOTT Niche development strategies; and why?
No, they are not fixing the product as a whole and not doing proper marketing.
In your opinion, would the Tobago Old Time Wedding impact the wedding niche?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
Please give reasons for your response?
I am not really too sure as some people go for modern things as it is called ‘old time’, they may not like it.
Thank You
Industry Partner Questionnaire
Type of Business: Bed and Breakfast (Shircliff’s)
Would you say that Tobago’s Wedding Sector is underperforming?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
If yes, please explain?
Customer Service needs to be improved.
Approximately how many destination weddings are hosted at your property per month?
We have not done a wedding for a very long time.
Whenever you facilitate a destination wedding, are the wedding guests satisfied with their experiences?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
If no, what are the main complaints?
They complain about the difficulty getting flights directly to Tobago.
Why do you think Tobago’s Wedding Niche competitors are performing better?
Well for starters they have frequent direct flights and in this industry airlift is important. If there is limited air access to Tobago then potential visitors will just go to competitors who can provide the service when the visitors need it.
Are you satisfied with the DOTT Niche development strategies; and why?
As I said before, customer service needs improvement. But I believe this can happen if some property owners treat their employees better. Some owners do not even greet their employees so employees feel unimportant and this is reflected in their performance. Then the product needs a facelift and both the Division of Tourism and Transportation and industry partners must make this happen. Some properties want the Government to do everything and they reap the benefits.
In your opinion, would the Tobago Old Time Wedding impact the wedding niche?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
Please give reasons for your response?
I have not considered it. Maybe, if it is presented attractively.