Article Review: The Morning Download: How Government Apps Could Kill Your Business
This article talks about the possible impacts of technological applications on a business. It is a warning to managers and company owners to be wary of the free applications that access federal government data. The interaction with federal agencies, due to the technological availability via applications, poses as a threat to the existing businesses because of their facilitation of information based businesses. The introduction of the article provides insight into the issue of the federal government availing public data, through technology applications, that employees and emerging business might use to provide competition to the established business.
The article provides the dangers of technological applications to existing business in the sense that information about established business operatives can be accessed through the technological applications, hence making it difficult for businesses to maintain their competitive advantages.
The article also elucidates about the LinkedIn saga, in which the business lost more than six million passwords. The point that this article is trying to prove is that software security is becoming elusive with the advent of the technological applications and the provision of public data. This article provides a warning to cloud based service business customers to be wary of vendors.
Furthermore, the article provides an instance under which cloud computing should be applied. It proceeds to provide a quote from an information technology company CEO detailing the need for cloud computing. According to the article, cloud computing is necessary when the company is unable finding enough staff.
In the end, the article provides advice to business in order to hedge on the extra costs of cloud computing. It elucidates that the easy way of expanding and contracting the required staff capacity can be through renting of infrastructure from available cloud providers.
The objective of the article is to provide relevant information and advice regarding technological applications to managers and businesses. It provides information regarding hedging business costs due to technological applications and maintaining software security in order not to compromise business information.
References (article source)
Hickins, M. (2012, June 7). The Morning Download: How Government Apps Could Kill Your
Business - The CIO Report - WSJ. WSJ Blogs - WSJ. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from