Job Attitudes remains to be a critical element in any setting to assess the employee perception, feeling and commitment to the organization. Organizations undertake assessments to assess job attitudes in order to understand their perception regarding the job. WS Inc. The company has undergoing higher turnover in the past. There are relative changes that are implemented by the organization to enhance employee’s satisfaction. In this report, analysis of job attitude working at WS Inc. The company is determined. For this data is gathered through survey questionnaire and analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques to summarize job attitudes of the employee working at WS Inc. Company. The primary objective of this report assesses the job attitudes of the employee in order to determine their how effective WS Inc. Company new strategy is to change the job attitudes of employees.
Background of WS Inc. Company
WS Inc. The company has always focused to ensure that the employee. The company’s employees exhibited earnestness, enthusiasm, and eagerness in all that regarded the company’s vision and goals. This implied that there were no turnover issues as well as little cases of absenteeism within the company for a number of years. However, in the past few years, it is evident the turnover has a significant increase in past few years. The employees are reported that they are not happy about the management and working environment. Nonetheless, the efficiency of the employees changed in the recent past as there has been noted increased cases of absenteeism with several workers leaving the organization abruptly while some yet braved it to resigned. The employees who were once joyful, job engaged and the job involved of late seem to get little fulfillment from the responsibilities that they ever enjoyed. Instead, they currently appear depressed, besides the fact that they currently work just like robots. The increasing number of turnover and unhappy employees has created pressure on the management to take measures to deal with the issues.
Data Collection and Analysis
The assessment is conducted to determine job attitudes of the employees working at WS Inc. Company. Therefore, the data was gathered from 100 respondents working at the WS Inc. company at different designation and department. The respondents were shared survey questionnaire, which was filled manually by the employee. The responses were filled in the excel sheet which was then analyzed through quantitative measures. The survey questionnaire had the first section about the demographic which would describe the characteristics of the sample. The responses gained from the respondents were answered through a close-ended questionnaire. The descriptive questions in the questionnaire were answered through Likert scale 1 to 5.The questionnaire compressed of two sections one was demographic and the second was descriptive. In the second section of the questionnaire questions related to Job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement asked. These statements were asked to the respondents, and they answered on the Likert scale from 1 to 5 survey questionnaire. Likert scale is the selected research instrument for this study, which can be justified on the basis of several previous researches that have made use of survey questionnaire made up on Likert scale to ask questions from their respondents on similar research (Gausvik, Lautar, Miller, Pallerla, & Schliadecher, 2015). Hence on the basis of the previous studies, it is justifiable that the survey questionnaire as a research instrument to determine the relationship.
The gathered data was put in the excel sheet and then analyzed through using SPSS software using different statistical data. In order to test the reliability of the data Cronbach's Alpha is calculated to determine the reliability of the data. It also tells about the internal consistency of the data generalizing the variation in the views of the respondents. Frequencies were calculated for the demographic sections in order to determine overall characteristics of the selected sample for an instant, the age, position, gender, working period at CS company, department, etc. Descriptive Statistics was calculated for the each of the states asked by the respondents to gain mean values and standard deviation in order to determine the inclination of the respondents. The mean values for the statement related to the variables Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement to assess overall mean values for each of the variables. Further, the relationship between the variables was calculated using Pearson correlation. The co-efficient value was used to determine the relationship between the variables based on the p-value (0.05), which would indicate significance between the variables.
The section of the report shows the findings gained from the data collected.
The results gained from the descriptive analysis shows that the average workforce at WS Inc. Company has almost equal proportion of male and females working in the company. 51 percent of the respondents were male, and 49 percent respondents were female. Further, the respondents were asked about their age 28 percent of the respondents were between the age group 18-25, 24 percent were between 25-38 years, 23 percent of 38-48 years and 25 percent reported above 47 years. Further, the respondents were asked about how long they have been working in WS Inc. Company. The results show that majority of the respondents working in the company had the experience 1 to 3 years and 3 to 5 years as seen 28percent of respondents selected this option. Only 14 percent of the respondents reported that they have experience working with the company for more than five years. 19 percent of the respondents reported they worked less than six months and 11 reported that they have experience working in the company between the period of 6 and 12 months.
It indicates that WS Inc. Company has fewer people who have work experience of more than five years in the country. The majority of the people working in the company had experienced less than one year, which indicates that the majority of the people working in the company are newly hired. Also, they were asked to mention their job position at WS Inc. Company. The results indicate that the 24 percent of the respondents belonged to technician and others job position. Only 12 percent of the respondents belonged to management post. It shows that the majority of the respondents who participated belong to different job positions apart of the managerial post. Therefore, the respondents that would be gained in this research would give an overall idea of the job attitudes of the individuals belonging to the different job position and department.
The results gained from the descriptive analysis regarding each of the statement of conducted. The respondents were asked about their satisfaction working at WS Inc. Company. The results show the mean value of 3.59 percent, which shows that the employees working at the company were overall satisfied. Also, the respondents were satisfied with the monetary and non-monetary rewards that were granted to each of the employees. It shows that the people were working at WS Inc. Company was satisfied with the monetary and non-monetary benefits that were given to them. The respondents were also asked about the work environment. The results show the mean value of 3.8, which show the agreement of the respondents that the work environment at WS Inc. Company was comfortable to work. Their basic needs about their safety, cleanliness and required equipment were available to employees working at WS Inc. Company. It indicates overall satisfaction of employees working at WS Inc. Company.
Further, the respondents were asked questions to know about the organizational commitment. They were asked different questions to know the perception of the respondents. Firstly the employees were asked if the workload of the people working at the company was managed according to their job roles and position. The results show the mean value of 3.79, which shows the inclination of the respondents towards an agreement that they were satisfied with the task that they were given at WS Inc. Company aligns to their job position. Moreover, they were asked if the company compensates them according to as it commits. The value of 4.43 shows that the respondents strongly satisfied of the compensation that the company provided them which makes them more committed to work. Further, the respondents were asked if the company ensured that it does not discriminate the rights of its employees working at WS Inc. Company.The mean value of 4.38 shows the agreement of the employees that the issues related to discrimination and harassment were adequately addressed that increases commitment.
The respondents were asked about the job involvement to assess job attitudes of the employees. They were asked about if the company manages conflict and issues related to that in an effective manner. The mean value of 4.51 indicates that management effectively contributed to managing conflicts. The employees are satisfied regarding the engagement of the management of the company to deal with the conflicts. Moreover, the respondents were further asked about the assistance of the leaders and managers at work. The results show a mean value of 4.41, which shows the agreement of the employees that the leaders effectively assist one another to deal with the issues. The respondents were also asked regarding meeting deadline at work. The overall scores of the mean values show 4.48, which are indicative that the respondents were satisfied with the help of their managers at work to help them with the deadlines. Further, the respondents were asked about teamwork and support. The mean value is 4.47, which indicates agreement of the employee about the teamwork and support of management and supervisors to conduct their tasks in an effective manner. From the results gained it is noted that the employees were satisfied with the overall work environment.
Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation was conducted to investigate the relationship between the variables Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement. The relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction shows the p-value of 0.061, which is higher than 0.05 it indicates an insignificant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Further the relationship between job satisfaction and job involvement was conducted. The results obtained show a mean value of 0.08 which is also higher than 0.05. It shows that there an insignificant relationship between job involvement and job satisfaction. There are other factors that affect employee’s preference towards the job.
The employees' job attitude at WS Inc. Company was altered through their personal perceptions and opinions. However, the involvement of the management is the dominant factor that has brought a positive change in employee’s perception. It is mainly because the management has been able to manage employees effectively and assist them throughout time to carry out their tasks in an effective manner. On the other hand, organizational commitment was also one of the major factors that change the job attitudes of the employees. From the results obtained it can be noted that the organizational commitment has no relationship with the job satisfaction. It can be noted the organization commitment that has an impact on job attitude of the employees working at the company. It is because the job attitudes of the employees are affected by intrinsic factors. There is also a major factor in employee policies and human resource Management policies that enable employees to work in an effective manner. The compensation is one of the major roles to enhance the organizational commitment of the employees. It is because that the company effectively acknowledges the monetary and non-monetary benefits it enhances their motivation with you eventually, leads to higher organizational commitment. It can be supported by the theory of needs that supported the organizational commitment increases when the monetary and non-monetary benefits of the employees are effectively addressed.
Seeing the results obtained from the correlation, it is evident that WS Inc. Company has ensured to meet these needs of their employees. Moreover, there are policies that are developed by the company to address strictly to employees. The work environment is supportive of the employees as discrimination and harassment are the construction, which can be noted that employees are satisfied regarding the activities and policies to manage discrimination. It is evident from the results that the job attitudes of employees were working at WS Inc. Company is main influences of intrinsic rather than extrinsic factors as seen from the results that there is no significant relation between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement. Each these factors have their significant way to shape job attitudes of the individuals working at WS Inc. Company. However, there is a probability that the results may vary because there is not equal proportion of the employees selected from each of the department that could tell about the overall work experience of the employees.
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