Looking up to the sky has been one of the most important activities of humans. Early civilizations are finding answers to their theological principles in the stars while others look guidance as they travel (Rosenburg & Russo, np). Astronomy is a vital part for the foundation of the religious beliefs and concepts of most of the early civilization. They view astronomy as a tool or as a backbone to their religious, social and cultural beliefs (Sprajc 87). Curiosity and hunger for knowledge have been the fuel for mankind to search answers in space. The significance of astronomy to life could be hard to grasp but it is the method of our search that made us humans who are curious about the origins of everything (Newell np). From the major discoveries of the Hubble Space telescope to the images taken from the subatomic particles, one could simply realize that observing universe is the same as observing the realities of life.
For some astronomers and physicists, observing the universe could also be observing humans. Patterns such as natural growth, accelerating expansion and interconnectedness are all observable in the universe and in the human body (Rosenburg et al 30). Some may say that observing the expansion of the universe is the same as observing how the human brain grows. These theories are nowadays becoming more visual as we can now observe these two phenomena. In the figure below, one could be curious how these images could be so similar yet they are very distinct in size. The answers to our question about the universe could also be the answers to our questions about our origin (Rosenburg & Russo, np).
Figure 1. Image of a Brain Cell and the Universe
Source: Bancarz, Steven. We are living on a giant brain, claim scientists. Nd.
Another major similarity of the universe and the subatomic matter is the concept of geometrical reality. Sacred geometry is a religious concept which defines the fundamental laws of the universe but through major discoveries, one could simply accept this concept as a reality. The major discovery of the Hubble Space Telescope tells the people of the existence of the geometry in space. This geometrical reality is visually similar to the molecular geometry of atoms and particles. In the figure below, one could realize that geometry could also be a reality in space. This similarity could be the answer to the interconnectedness of humans and the realities of the universe.
- (b)
Figure 2. (a) Nebula Formation (b) Molecular NaCl
Source: Tate, M. The Geometric Reality of Existence: A Molecular Frequency Observation. Nd.
Our view of the world and the universe is always at random. Formations of matter are small and in large scale seem to have no particular pattern. However, these similarities somewhat tells the people something which could be the answer to the basic question of how things were formed. The similarities of sub-atomic matter and some entities in the universe could tell the people that even the massive objects in space could follow a certain fundamental reality which is observable and could be compared to the realities in the world. The images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope help us realize that looking up in the sky is the right choice for finding the answers to fundamental principles of matter (Morrison 179).
People view the universe as if, massive objects such as stars, nebulas and black holes appear randomly. It could only be answered by the theoretical concepts of space, time and gravity. However, by looking at the characteristics of some massive objects, it could be observed that we are also looking at the connections of the universe and our evolution. One major discovery of astronomy is the stellar evolution. Stellar evolution is the study of different stages of the life of a star (Fraknoi 14). These stages such as the white dwarfs, the red dwarfs, the red giant and the supernovae could give a lot of information about the life cycle of the stars and how could it be related to our evolution (Dick & Lupisella 125).
Another discovery that could give us a lot of information about our reality is the white holes and the black holes. These hypothetical regions in space have matter like properties but it only attracts or repels objects near it (Morrison 275). If our knowledge in these two hypothetical massive objects could increase, we could also answer some of the basic principles or dimensions of time, space and gravity. There are theories which suggest that the core of the white holes and the black holes consists of the singularity although it violates the rule of relativity (Celerier 2). Another theory suggests that it must be composed of the “Planck star” which allows the general theory of relativity to be applied (Yirka np). With these concepts, it will allow our knowledge of the different dimensions to become a reality to us.
Astronomy could give us the answers almost to everything. It could give us the almost all the information. However, there is one thing that cannot be answered by astronomy, which is the concept of love. It is our love to acquire knowledge that gives the importance of the principles of astronomy to life. In the movie interstellar, love is the solution to all their dilemmas about the space and time. The words “Love isn’t something we invented — it’s observable, powerful, it has to mean something Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space” by Anne Hathaway are the answers to the importance of astronomy to our lives (Sexton np).
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