Book Name: Exceptional Students-Preparing for teachers
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Short Answer:
in your responses. Note: Answers should not exceed 100 words each!
86. In just a sentence or two, identify the most common demographic characteristics and “generalizations” about students who receive special education, including age, race, gender, disability, severity level, placement and services. Base your description on facts supported by national census data as discussed in class.
In terms of gender, males outnumber females. The typical student in Special Education is male, Caucasian, in elementary or secondary schools, being served for learning and or speech/language disabilities, receiving assistance from an occupational therapist with speech/language/writing, in general education class, and being accommodated on tests and assignments (usually with extra time), and are likely to graduate with a regular diploma and expects to attend postsecondary education.
87. After a referral to special education, a student was assessed and was found by the IEP team NOT to be eligible as “a child with a disability.” Answer ALL PARTS: A.) What happens now? B.) To what, if any, services is the student entitled? C.) Is there any recourse if the parents disagree?
A.)If a student does not qualify as a ‘child with disability’ it will be difficult for a parent to defend their claim, because IEP carefully assesses students who can be eligible for special services.
B.)However, the parents can still ask for help since there are other programs that can aid students with other problems, the student may be entitled to another form of intervention like home schooling or a different learning environment
C.) The parents can ask for consideration about their case, however, students cannot be considered to have a disability if there is a lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math, or if they have limited English proficiency. Parents are also allowed to ask for the criteria for eligibility.
88. Answer BOTH parts: A.) Identify and briefly describe the key elements/principles which are characteristic of RtI. B) Explain how the RTI process is beneficial for students WITH and WITHOUT disabilities.
A) The response to Intervention (RTI) model is a school-wide model of screening and decision-making involving persons with disabilities. It is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavioral needs. The services are being provided by many education personnel including general educators and special educators. The RTI requires high-quality based classroom for instruction, ongoing student assessment, tiered instruction and parent involvement.
B) The RTI is beneficial for both students with and without special needs because it leads to the creation of well-integrated system of instruction and intervention for the benefit of all the students.