The story revolves around two lovers named Andy and Aja who caught between love and lust at the same time. They enjoy each other’s company whether as friends or intimate partners in bed. Andy was just released from prison and starting a new life as he re-enters the community. There are times that both of them commit crimes to earn a living by stealing money from cars and stores. Aja worked so hard to earn a living while Andy who introduced Aja to drugs and other vices.
Thesis Statement: This short story illustrates how love transcends beyond the physical aspect and goes beyond the character of the person that you love.
In this story, it has shown that Andy became a bad influence to Aja because he taught her to steal and exposed her to drug abuse. Aja’s love for Andy goes beyond the physical and momentary feeling because she stood behind him even during the lowest moments in his life when he was imprisoned. On the other hand, Andy knows that he changed Aja in many ways to conform to his needs. He is fully aware that Aja loved him too much that she was willing to risk everything for him. During the night when they saw a lamb which got hit by another speeding car made Andy realize why he loved Aja even more. It was not just the physical or casual sex that they enjoyed together while they struggled with the adversities in life. Andy realized that she loved Aja because of her kind heart to care an animal by shielding any suffering and death that made her really special. Aja’s character goes beyond her physical beauty which made Andy love her even more.