This compound process revolves around a leader and what is involved in leadership. The main factors dealing with leadership are regulation of self, self-knowledge, and having a concept of oneself. Being an authentic leader, it requires one to display leadership that is genuine, leading from a sincerity position and lastly being real. Authentic leadership should relative, such that the leaders and the people found it together. It should exist from relationship between leaders and the people. In both cases, the effects apply to both the people and the leader. Authentic leadership can be cultivated not a permanent aspect, in a person who focuses to be a leader. It grows in a person over a period of lifetime and can be initiated by various accounts of life. It is centered on a leaders good aspects psychologically and proper principles .One should be in a position to understand his/her identity, weak points, echo on important issues and lastly to be able to create a platform for choices and measures
Characteristics of a good authentic leader:
Purpose understanding- knowing ,the people’s purposes and what they are all about, the people’s direction and the people’s passion.
Understand people’s values: a good leader is one who behaves well in relation to others based on values and principles. It is also one who understand the people’s values clearly and their identity.
Strong relationships- must have the ability for transparency and create connections.
Self-discipline- determination and focus are the key notes to reaching goals. Consistency should be out of the question, behavior predictability, thus it makes communication easier and build up people’s expectations.
Compassionate- an authentic leader should have a sensitive heart, in terms of helping others, generous and must always be willing to assist.