In my opinion, the American society is neither fit nor healthy. Based on observation I have made so far by just following Google search on how Americans seek fitness information from the internet, it is evident that the overall fitness and health of the country is at stake. My research involves using the Google keyword search tool. This tool can be used to search health-related phrases such as how to lose weight. Surprisingly, more people have been looking for online assistance on how to reduce their weight that is already in excess of the recommended. Searches on companies selling quick-fix solution to the overweight population were also overwhelming (Goldstein, 18).
The biggest problem in the health of our society is people believe in quick solutions to health problems. This mind-set being propagated by companies advertising and selling bogus products perceived to be “magic pill” in weight loss. Such information brings difficulty to consumers in understanding the simple principles of healthy eating and exercise. Since consumers get easily lured by false information and unrealistic promises from the get-lean-quick schemes, they ignore healthy eating and exercise. The information comes in the form of fake before and after photos with promises of fast weight loss (Jamner, & Stokols, 93).
Changes believed to bring impact on people living unhealthy lifestyle can only work by involving such individuals with the will to have a change. First, such individuals need to learn by themselves on eating healthy. It is advisable that such people be a costumed to start cooking using fresh ingredients, eat three properly balanced meals a day and lower their rate of consuming snacks and incorporate more exercise through working out in the Jim and walking. Workout strategies have proven the best way of losing weight so long as there are patience and commitment. People need to stop depending on government agencies to help them start leaving a better life but first have a desire to live healthy lives. Some of the reasons why some countries such as Germany and China, have healthy populations and with longer life expectancy is attributed to them (the citizens) being aware of what to do and to actualize them (Lunney, 22).
Works Cited
Goldstein, Michael. The health movement: promoting fitness in America. New York: Twayne Publishers. 1992. Print.
Jamner, Margeret S. and Stokols, Daniel. Promoting human wellness new frontiers for
research, practice, and policy. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2000. Print.
Lunney, June. Describing death in America what we need to know. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. 2003. Print.