Each genre of literature have its own inimitable flavor. All literature leaves an indispensable portrait on reader’s mind that fashions mesmerizing circle of euphoria that knows no bound.Dramas sometimes are very personal; depicting very close view of the character. While reading it; you can immensely feel the sorrows, happiness and all emotions of that character.
When it inculcates more shades of the story and unfolds all the chapters; it becomes truly astonishing. Fiction stories are real page turners when they lead you to the edge and take you to a voyage with the pinches of suspense, thrill, romance and moral dilemmas. When all the curtains rises; it becomes homogenous with your blood and starts flowing all around your body and mind.
Poetry on the other end is imaginations of the writer that allows him to go beyond all the boundaries. He reaches to a level where the words start to describe the essence of his soul. When it comes to deciding how demanding it is to compare a drama to the poetry or fiction; it is innocuous to say that drama are easier to visualize than poetry.
Drama on the other hand istougher than short fiction and other forms of fiction. The most significant eminence of a drama is that while reading; it creates a mental memorandum and forces you to come again and again. In this regard drama and fiction goes hand in hand. They both have that charisma to engulf the reader into its melodrama and creativity.
In COMPARISON OF READING DRAMA WITH OTHER LITERATURE. Retrieved on 2014, Jun. 2, from http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/drama/